Image widget not showing up when a material is applied and a text block is placed over it

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 19, 2014

If an image is added to a UMG widget with a material applied to it. It will no longer show up in the viewport if a text block is added to the same widget (above the material via the Zorder). ...

Clicking a button in UMG stops all tilt information

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 14, 2014

Tilt information is no longer taken after clicking on a button in UMG. The tilt information goes to all zeros. That is until the user clicks else where at which point the device will then start regi ...

UMG widgets aren't cleared when levels are swapped via 'open LevelName'.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 30, 2014

If a level has UMG widgets, swapping to other levels (including the level you're already on) doesn't clear away the UMG widgets. ...

Rotating a button in UMG and moving it to the edge of the canvas causing incorrect clipping

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 27, 2014

When rotating a button in the UMG blueprints and then moving through the edge of the canvas panel it causing the button to clip as though it was never rotated. Update: This also happens when placi ...

LIVE: Multi Line Editable Text BOx in UMG does not wrap text to a new line

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 24, 2014

When setting up a UMG HUD system, the Multi Line Editable Text box component will accept text, but all text entered is on a single line with a horizontal scroll bar rather than wrapping to a new lin ...

Image widget does not scale the inner borders correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 24, 2014

When Scaling in and out in the UMG blueprints with an image applied to an image widget that is set to border as it's "Draw as" selection the image does not scale correctly. EDIT: The UI should prev ...

Opening widget blueprint causes editor to crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 17, 2014

Branch Build Label UE4-Main Promoted-CL- 2323471 DESCRIPTION: User crashes when opening a Widget blueprint.  Unable to reproduce internally. *EDIT* Repro provided by User ...

Editor Crashes when placing a widget blueprint from one widget blueprint into another via the user created section

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 8, 2014

CHANGELIST: 4.5.0-2316912 CRASHREPORT: Did not produce an error report CALLSTACK: Did not produce an error report DESCRIPTION:   Editor Crashes when placing a widget blueprint from one widget b ...

Negative scale causes green gradient and invisible if not selected

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 20, 2014

BRANCH: //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2254785 CHANGELIST: 2254785 BUILD TYPE: P4 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: Scaling widgets in UMG into a negative values (right < left) causes them to appear as a g ...