Widget causing ensure to trigger on end play

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 15, 2019

Widget is causing an ensure to be hit when exiting gameplay.  Tested in: 4.24 Preview2 CL#10091930 , 4.25 CL#10183780 Attached URL's from the user:  https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/ge ...

Async loading fails because AssetManager's bHasBlueprintClasses does not consider WidgetBlueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 25, 2019

When bHasBlueprintClasses of AssetManager is enabled, WidgetBlueprint is not included in ClassName of ARFilter. Therefore, asynchronous loading using AssetManager of the UUserWidget inheritance clas ...

Tool tip grammer error for "Force Layout Prepass" node

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 16, 2019

Grammatical error in a tool tip for the Force layout prepass node. It appears that he word "is" needs to be removed (see attached image) ...

Linear color preview for the default opacity appears incorrect

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 8, 2019

The color preview on the "Set color and opacity node" does not reflect the correct opacity setting that is give by default. ...

Crash when placing a native UserWidget in a panel within another UserWidget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 7, 2019

The engine crashes when trying to initialize a native UserWidget within another widget. This happens because UUserWidget::GetSlotNames gets called before the widget tree is initialized, and we don't ...

Localization Preview Button in Widget Editor does not appear to work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 3, 2019

The button used to toggle a localization preview in the UMG designer tab does not appear to have an effect on any of the text in the designer tab. ...

Invalidation box inside of scale box can cause jittering when using split anchors

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 9, 2019

When using a combination of Scale box, Invalidation box, and split anchors it can cause the child widget(S) of the invalidation box to jitter/shake. ...

RichTextBlock with outline string displays irregular spacing

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 29, 2019

We can see irregular spaces between string. They want to display outline font bodys in regular spacing. Or they want a checkbox option to change the behavior of the spacing. [Image Removed] ...

User List Entry Widget binding Does not update

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 20, 2019

When using a User List Entry widget it appears not to update its bound properties unless called by an event used by the User List Entry interface. For example if the widget being used is a text widg ...

When spawning a large number of widget components they are not visible until the camera moves or the component is selected in the world outliner

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 16, 2019

When adding multiple Widget Components (at runtime) to the scene it appears that they do not render until the camera moves or they are selected in the world outliner ...