On mouse down only fires with a double click for Left mouse button with certain input settings

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 29, 2017

The left mouse button press does not act as expected when the input setting "Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode" is set to "Capture During Right mouse Down" TLDR: Left mouse button press fires wh ...

Crash occurs when debug filter pop out tab is clicked while in line tab is present

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 29, 2017

There is a crash that is occuring when resizing windows with the debug filter popped out. The Debug filter that gets popped out is persistant and does not disappear when the the in line option appea ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::RoutePointerMoveEvent() [slateapplication.cpp:5195]

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 28, 2017

This is a longstanding crash that occurs with low frequency, but has affected over 200 users. One user describes that this occurred while packaging a project, although other users have not provided ...

[CrashReport] Assertion failed: IsValid() - UE4Editor_SlateCore!FWeakWidgetPath::GetLastWidget()

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 22, 2017

This is a common crash occurring among users in the 4.16 release. Users have not provided any descriptions when they crash, so additional information is not currently available. log file attache ...

Inconsistent mouse behavior in PIE vs Standalone

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 9, 2017

Mouse is less responsive in standalone than in PIE. Ex: When reading the mouse position, the position isn't updated as often as when in PIE. ...

Hovered state does not fire when "Use Mouse for Touch" is set to true

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 6, 2017

Hovered state does not fire when "Use Mouse for Touch" is set to true. As a note this also happens in a packaged game if the setting was set to true. ...

Font advance and fallback font metrics have issues in 4.16

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 5, 2017

There were some font regressions in 4.16 that we've since fixed (CL# 3456916 and CL# 3425681). These are affecting live users so we should get them into the next 4.16 build. ...

Cannot Scroll down to events with advanced options expanded

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 31, 2017

When using UMG and enabling advanced options then deselecting and reselecting the asset can cause issues with the scrollbar length and cause some options to be initially cut off. The scrollbar then ...

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 11, 2017

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open [Link Removed] is a similar report, but this actually affects functionality of the details panel. [Image Removed] ...

Drag in event graph does not work after touch event with breakpoint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 3, 2017

Dragging in event graph does not work after touch event with a breakpoint. This issue persists after the PIE has stopped as well. But the issue is resolved when the project is reopened. Regression: ...