Crash on saving imported font

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 3, 2016

Unable to import new fonts into project ...

UFE stats convert does not work with double stats

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 3, 2016

Found by a user in the provided URL. ...

TAutoPtr uses default copy / move constructors which can cause dangling references.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 2, 2016

TAutoPtr uses default copy / move constructors which can cause dangling references. This means there are a number of cases (copying auto pointers in inner scopes, passing auto pointers by value, et ...

Lighting build isn't saved when using -run=resavepackages and -buildlighting

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 29, 2016

Lighting build isn't saved when using -run=resavepackages and -buildlighting ...

UTF-16 characters return incorrectly from StringToBytes/BytesToString conversion

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2016

When a UTF-16 character (™ for example) is passed into a StringToBytes() function and then returned via BytesToString, the returned character does not match (in the case of ™, a double quotes is ret ...

Crash when opening a level with skeletal mesh asset from the map copied to the clipboard

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2016

Navigating to a level with a skeletal mesh asset from that level copied to the clipbard from the world outliner will cause the editor to crash. This can currently only be reproduced in the TM-Contac ...

Project Launcher spams console with "LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch..."

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 27, 2016

It doesn't appear to matter what project or template you're launching with, or what settings you use in the ProjectLauncher. There are two threads it seems to complain about as reflected in this s ...

Using TInlineAllocator with a large number in TArray that is in an AActor class will cause child Blueprint class to call an assert while parent class will not

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 22, 2016

If a TArray has a TInlineAllocator with a large number and the class is used with a child Blueprint, the editor will throw an assert. If the base C++ Class is used instead of the Blueprint, the asse ...

Hot Reloading from IDE fails

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 13, 2016

Building from VS causes the compilation to fail. (Have not had the opportunity to check XCode yet, investigating) Found in //UE4/Dev-Core @ 3048370 Currently occurs in //UE4/Main @ 3049508Severity ...

Keeping editor unfocused while in PIE leads to memory leak

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 22, 2016

Keeping editor unfocused while in PIE leads to memory leak, eventually freezing the editor. The editor must be closed through task manager and leaves no crash report or log error. ...