GameInstance and subsystem initialization order is incorrect for Play In Editor

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2023

The order of world and game instance initialization is different between a true standalone game (cooked game or an editor build with -game) and a Play In Editor game. Specifically, in Play in Editor ...

Push-model blueprint array property not properly marked dirty if modified by different actor

UE - Gameplay - May 17, 2023

In KismetArrayLibrary.h, functions that modify the array property call MARK_PROPERTY_DIRTY(Stack.Object, ArrayProperty). Because these calls use the stack object and not the property's owner, modify ...

FComponentReference loses its actor reference when the target actor is reinstanced

UE - Gameplay - May 15, 2023

The "OtherActor" pointer in an FComponentReference is invalidated when the referenced actor is reinstanced after compilation. ...

Replicated components spawned by CreateComponentOnInstance are broken by object reuse

UE - Gameplay - Apr 5, 2023

When the gameplay framework component manager creates components as part of CreateComponentOnInstance, it passes in the requested class name as the literal name of the component instead of using the ...

Game feature plugins do not unregister absolute scan paths on removal

UE - Gameplay - Mar 16, 2023

The GameFeatureData asset used by the game features subsystem supports defining extra paths to scan for asset manager assets specific to that plugin. Originally this system only supported relative p ...

Changing root component in C++ does not apply correctly to map placed actor instances

UE - Gameplay - Jan 4, 2023

Edit: Please investigate for not only root component changes, but native component hierarchy changes in general and whether those hierarchy changes apply to actor instances saved as part of maps. O ...

Native variable references like GameplayAttribute cannot be searched by "Find in Blueprints" or "Asset Search"

UE - Gameplay - Jan 4, 2023

"Find in Blueprints" does not turn up results when searching a GameplayAttribute by name, even when there is a GameplayEffect blueprint that has a modifier for that GameplayAttribute. This is becau ...

AddTimedDisplay causes crash when changing level

UE - Gameplay - Dec 8, 2022

RemoveAfterSecondsLambda in AddTimedDisplay function may access released memory during level transitions. The following workaround works : void UViewportStatsSubsystem::AddTimedDisplay(FText Text, ...