Moving objects in editor does not update collision

UE - Gameplay - Apr 7, 2015

When an object is created procedurally with code and placed into the editor the collision analyzer will detect the object properly. If the object is then moved to another part of the level the coll ...

Running traces consecutively sometimes register incorrect hits

UE - Gameplay - Apr 6, 2015

If two line traces are run one right after the other to the same end point but different start locations, at times the second trace will incorrectly register hitting other objects though the trace l ...

The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn

UE - Gameplay - Apr 1, 2015

The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn. This worked in 4.5.1 & 4.6.1. ...

Possession acts differently depending on whether or not "Run as dedicated server" is checked if newly possessed pawn is spawned just before possession

UE - Gameplay - Mar 31, 2015

If a player on a dedicated server attempts to possess a feshly spawned pawn, the blueprint must have an unpossess node just before the possess node to be able to possess the pawn. This is not the ca ...

OnClicked events do not trigger on objects 100k units away from camera

UE - Gameplay - Mar 26, 2015

Objects that are 100k uu+ away from camera do not trigger "OnClicked" events ...

Mouse directly controls Camera Actor directly above 170 and below 5 FoV

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2015

When manually setting the FoV of a camera actor to a value above 170 or below 5, the camera actor itself disappears and the user's mouse takes direct control of the camera actor movement and rotatio ...

FComponentReference::GetComponent() will cast to UPrimitiveComponent when it should be able to work with any scene component

UE - Gameplay - Mar 20, 2015

The FComponentReference::GetComponent() method can attempt to cast to UPrimitiveComponent when FComponentReference appears to be able to work with any scene component. ...

PostEditChangeProperty has NULL property when moving actor in editor

UE - Gameplay - Mar 17, 2015

When using the transform widget in the editor, the Property value of a PostEditChangeProperty() call will be NULL. The transform widget that is being moved in this case is the widget attached to th ...

Components spawned at runtime do not take Radial Damage if simulating physics

UE - Gameplay - Mar 16, 2015

Components spawned at runtime do not take Radial Damage if simulating physics. ...

Character BP yaw rotates at different speeds when played in Standalone vs. Selected Viewport

UE - Gameplay - Mar 12, 2015

When you have a character in a level and if you setup the blueprint of the character as shown below, the rotation of the character will differ when played Standalone vs Selected Viewport. Photo of ...