The gamemode settings under world override do not save once the project has been saved, closed and reopened. ...
Child Actor component is not affected by the 'Visible' and 'Hidden in Game' settings. It is still rendered in the bp viewport and in the level during play. Even if the 'bpSelf' is set to hide in g ...
Setting Ignore Base Actor Rotation to false continues to ignore base actor rotation when standing on an object that is spinning. ...
Multi Line Trace by Channel includes Actors with Overlap collision in the Out Hits array (but does not indicate a True Return Value). The two returns match with Ignore and Block collision settings. ...
Walking on an actor with a Spring Arm in the 3rd Person BP template will cause the camera to jitter/skip. This does not happen with an actor that does not have a spring arm and it also does not hap ...
When moving a skeletal mesh from one folder to another will lose the skeletal mesh reference in the Physics Asset. A warning message will appear. Picture attached. James: Do things like FStringAss ...
Edit MattK: The display name is different when running PIE through the editor. This sort of inconsistency seems wrong. We should probably not ever be using the display name. Spaces are removed fro ...
When an object is created procedurally with code and placed into the editor the collision analyzer will detect the object properly. If the object is then moved to another part of the level the coll ...
If two line traces are run one right after the other to the same end point but different start locations, at times the second trace will incorrectly register hitting other objects though the trace l ...
The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn. This worked in 4.5.1 & 4.6.1. ...