Instanced properties do not update in actors placed in a level that is not currently open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2023

The user is specifically having a problem with TArray<TObjectPtr<>> however I have also reproduced this error using a single TObjectPtr<>, raw uobject pointers & all three previous methods within a ...

Actor literal nodes in BP level have REINST references

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 24, 2023

This indicates that we're incorrectly reconstructing pins when the REINST classes are still around. The root cause is actually due to a cyclic dependency with external actors when using World Parti ...

BPGC GetPreloadDependencies() may be excluding non-DSO archetypes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 10, 2023

Currently, UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetPreloadDependencies() is only inclusive of subobjects instanced via CreateDefaultSubobject(). We may need to broaden it to include RF_ArchetypeObject and/or ...

Renaming a variable on a Blueprint will reset that variable's value on any Child BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2023

If a variable is renamed on a blueprint, then any child blueprints will lose their default values for that variable and reset to the parent's default value. This resetting only happens with the Chi ...

Contain node for a Text Array returns wrong value when packaged

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 13, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in the following branches and change lists:BranchChange ListResultsText compared to VariableVariable added compared to VariableText compared to Text//UE5/Release-5.0 ...

Right-clicking a DataAsset Based on a Blueprint Class can Crash the Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 7, 2023

The editor can crash when you attempt to open the context menu for a data asset based on a blueprint class. This happens only if the blueprint class the data asset is based on is not currently loade ...

Subobject pointer may be null when attempting to access a nested BP added property in a BP script or python

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2023

This is likely something going wrong in the Blueprint Editor utilities function calls or something like that. Obviously this works as expected in the Subobject Editor itself, otherwise no nested BP ...

Fixing a Blueprint's compilation error after editor reload causes instances to lose transform

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2023

Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...

Overriding Component class does not work properly in grandchild class BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 22, 2023

If you set ComponentClass override in child class BP and grandchild class BP respectively, it is ignored in grandchild class. This issue is probably related to [Link Removed]. The fix for [Link Rem ...

Make literal container nodes (e.g. MakeArray) do not cast object ref output terms linked to interface-typed input pins.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2023

As with most nodes, object reference outputs can be directly connected to interface-typed inputs on "make container" nodes (e.g. "MakeArray") if the object's class type implements the interface clas ...