Allow deferred actor spawning to add network actors in FinishSpawning

UE - Networking - Mar 28, 2022

Currently an actor must be marked replicated before spawning in order to properly be added to any net drivers through AddNetworkActor. We should consider allowing that to happen later in the proces ...

Child nodes do not call PrepareForReplication unlike root nodes in Replication Graph

UE - Networking - Feb 3, 2022

Child nodes are by default not added to the PrepareForReplicationNodes array in order to prevent unnecessary calls to PrepareForReplication. However, this difference in behavior is not very apparent ...

Clients unable to control their character if GameMode/State is persisted through seamless travel

UE - Networking - Jan 24, 2022

Normally during seamless travel, the GameMode and GameState are only kept when traveling to the transition map, not when going from the transition map to the destination. If these actors are kept al ...

Replicated Struct with TMap property cannot compile even with custom NetSerialize

UE - Networking - Dec 9, 2021

While TMaps are not supported for replication, previously one workaround for this was to wrap the TMap property in a container struct. Users could then implement a custom NetSerialize function for t ...

AttachChildren can be incorrect on client if parent and attached actors are spawned at the same time on the server

UE - Networking - Dec 8, 2021

See linked UDN for more info. It seems as though if both a parent actor and its attached actors are created at the same time on the server, then there is a chance the attached actors won't appear at ...

Incorrect relative location on client under certain attachment conditions

UE - Networking - Nov 30, 2021

An attached actor's relative location isn't correct on the client when the actor has its position changed to that of the parent actor before attaching with the "Keep World" location rule. On the cli ...

Replay playback does not start at 0

UE - Networking - Nov 9, 2021

Replays start playing before the player finishes loading into the level. From the player's point of view the replay starts playing 3 seconds into the replay instead of playing at 0 seconds. The pl ...

Actor channel unable to go dormant if replication key is not changed

UE - Networking - Nov 4, 2021

If the subobject's RepKey is not updated after setting the actor to go dormant, then the subobject won't be replicated. This causes FObjectReplicator::ReadyForDormancy to return false for the subobj ...

Dynamically Spawned Actor Components call BeginPlay before reading initial replicated properties

UE - Networking - Oct 21, 2021

Replicated actors wait until initial replicated properties are read and applied to call BeginPlay (from PostNetInit), and this is usually where the actor's components have BeginPlay called as well. ...

"Pass-By-Reference" inputs to a multicast RPC can crash

UE - Networking - Oct 6, 2021

Passing a parameter by reference for an RPC does not seem to be a supported operation, and UnrealHeaderTool will already throw an error if a networked UFUNCTION includes any OutParms. However, users ...