Networking Insights not correctly tracking outgoing multicast RPCs from server

UE - Networking - Sep 30, 2021

It looks like this only happens to multicast RPCs that are outgoing from a server. Client RPCs still show up as expected, and both incoming and outgoing RPCs appear properly in a client's session. ...

Demo Record does not play back the events that occurred after the ServerTravel command.

UE - Networking - Sep 16, 2021

Regression was checked on UE5-Release-EarlyAccess CL 16682836, Regression - No. ...

Wrong Role in BeginPlay of startup actors respawned by a replay scrub

UE - Networking - Sep 3, 2021

The Role/RemoteRole of net startup actors that get respawned during the replay scrub will be incorrect/swapped during BeginPlay (but not later for any onreps we process). ...

Replicated component destruction not reaching client

UE - Networking - Aug 31, 2021

See the attached UDN for more information and a sample project reproducing the issue. This issue seems to happen due to a specific order of events. First, the component is destroyed, and garbage col ...

Include better comments/warnings for certain edge cases when using dependent actors with RepGraph

UE - Networking - Aug 17, 2021

A recent UDN brought up two scenarios with dependent actors in RepGraph that could use better comments/warnings. The first is that calling ForceNetUpdate on an actor that is only replicated as a de ...

TextRenderComponents exist on editor dedicated server instances

UE - Networking - Aug 3, 2021

It seems as though TextRenderComponents are not intended to exist on dedicated servers. In BaseEngine.ini, they are explicitly excluded: "+ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer=TextRenderComponent" This ...

Setting replicated TArray in PostLoad prevents repnotify from being called

UE - Networking - Jul 12, 2021

See linked UDN for more details and a sample project reproducing the issue. The issue seems to be that the object's archetype doesn't have any changes made to the array in PostLoad, so the shadow st ...

Once an actor channel is closed by NetCullDistance, root motion movement synchronization stops working

UE - Networking - Jul 12, 2021

Properties that uses DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE (ex. RepRootMotion ) will also skip replication when an actor channel is newly opened. This means that if the variables on the server side do not c ...

Delta struct serialized fast arrays replicating new elements with no changelist

UE - Networking - Jun 14, 2021

There is a scenario where delta struct serialized fast arrays can replicate changes that introduce additional elements to the array, but without changelists containing the new data. This needs furt ...