XR Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 24, 2023

Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement [Link Removed] Reporting that reflection captures lag because they happen before late update is applied. Includes an experimental patch that fi ...

Stencil Test Post Process Breaks in Stereo Rendering

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 9, 2023

[Link Removed] post process material is blacking out our left eye A test project is provided. ...

LiDAR plugin crashing with VR Instanced Stereo enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 26, 2023

When enabling LiDAR plugin with VR Instanced Stereo enabled it causes a crash. Alternate repro: From Any project Enable Instanced Stereo in project settings Enable LiDAR Point Cloud Support Restar ...

Proejcts with vr.InstancedStereo=true crash on Mac

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 12, 2023

Sounds like neither Multiviewport nor View Instancing (MMV) is not supported on Mac atm, and the logic in StereoAspects asserts. See attached log from a partner. ...

Anisotropy renders differently in each eye in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 10, 2023

Regression: Tested in Release-5.0, this issue occurs so it is not a regression. This issue was first reported using the Automotive Materials assets, as the Anisotropy material on MI_Metal_Brushed w ...

Ensure in AR Template on Android

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 5, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, this issue did not occur so it is a regression. ...

Collab Viewer Template menu does not function properly in VR Preview

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 9, 2022

Regression: Tested this issue in Release-5.0, this issue did not occur so regression is yes There are chances that the menu will disappear as if functioning properly, but it locks out all control f ...

Unable to use OpenXR with non-Oculus Android platforms

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 1, 2022

From Licensee: In OpenXRHMDModule:473 (UE5.0) or OpenXRHMDModule:497 (UE5.1) the engine is checking if the app is packaged for Oculus Mobile, if it isn't the case the function returns false and the ...

Interactions in the Menu are not working as expected in VRTemplate

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 17, 2022

Interactions in the Menu on VRTemplate (and I suspect that style of menu interaction in general) do not function as expected. This issue was reproduced several times (5/5), both with a VR headset an ...