Depth of field rendering artifacts - flickering and masking

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jan 16, 2024

Flickering and large flashes can be seen on reflective objects that are out of focus with DOF enabled. DumpGPU shows that artifacts are visible in TSR . ...

Specular/Anisotropy problems with Nanite Meshes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jan 11, 2024

Specular highlights can disappear with clearcoat materials, when "Clear Coat Enable Second Normal" is enabled ("r.ClearCoatNormal"). ...

Groom shadows stay visible when component is hidden

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jan 8, 2024

This appears to happen with both Virtual Shadow Maps and Cascaded Shadow Maps. ...

Per instance custom data and Material Layers issue

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 12, 2023

Geometry collection marked as nanite has no fallback in cooked build when nanite is disabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 11, 2023

When geometry collection is set as nanite, there is no non-nanite render data cooked. This means that there is no fallback if the cooked build uses r.nanite 0. This used to work with some code worka ...

Difference in LODs between PIE and editor

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 7, 2023

It is possible to repo this without the exact steps, but that leaves it ambiguous if the camera moved when exiting PIE or not. ...

Light function broken on AMD GPUs

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 6, 2023

The licensee reported this happening on the following cards with the latest driver versions: ● RX 6600 ● RX 5700 The Licensee reported it did not happen on these cards: ● RX 580 ● Non-AMD cards Our ...

Lumen scene view - spot light cut off

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 1, 2023

This looks to be an issue with shadows in Lumen Direct Lighting, and might be coming from the "Batched lights" pass. ...

When a BPActor containing HISMs is multiplied with a scale, LOD display control doesn't work correctly

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 29, 2023

Workaround 1: 1. Change HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp in either of the following ways:void{{ FHierarchicalStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, c ...

Volumetric fog flicker side screen

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 29, 2023

The flicker is visible in Epic scalability as well, it is just smaller on screen because the fog voxels are smaller (r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize). ...