Refraction does not adjust the scene depth texture, leading to a mismatch between Scene Color samples and Scene Depth samples. ...
During material compilation we track unique individual virtual texture "stacks" and then create a virtual texture page table for each, along with unique bindings for each page table in the shader co ...
Same lightmap textures are listed multiple times in Lightmaps of WorldSettings. It seems that it just showes the same texture mutiple times but there is only one texture. [Image Removed] ...
Non-nanite static mesh components still show an individual highlight outline which individually selected even with other non-nanite static mesh components in the same actor. This is different when t ...
It appears that Texture Samplers for Virtual Textures do not respect the Tiling Method from the Virtual Texture Asset when the "Sampler Source" is set to "from texture asset". ...
Virtual Textures can be assigned to Texture Sample Parameters that are not configured for Virtual Textures, if that parameter is inside of a Material Layer. Also found in Release-5.4, CL 32426910 ...
It may occur that during loading screens, materials using material layers will load with GWhiteTexture before the real textures are ready. This seems to be because of a race condition due to PostLoa ...
RenderTrace plugin does not appear to have been updated for a change that moved the GPUScene out of the View buffer to its own uniform buffer. (CL 24027890) The test project is based on FirstPerson ...
When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Manual toHistogram, the exposure level resets and takes time to settle. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Als ...
When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Histogram to Manual, there is a single-frame flash. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Also found in 5.4, CL 3 ...