Nanite mesh polygons disappearing when using masked opacity with vertex color in 5.4

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Jul 24, 2024

In 5.4.3, a nanite enabled mesh with a material that takes its vertex color (R) and uses it as the opacity mask output in a masked blend mode material, causes the mesh to have disappearing polygons ...


UE - Graphics Features - Jul 23, 2024

Per-Object shadows cast by a stationary point light do not appear in the correct place on movable geometry. ...

check(!bPostTickComponentUpdate) fails triggered by UNiagaraComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent() and StaticMeshCompilingManager::FinishCompilation()

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Jul 23, 2024

Reported alongside [Link Removed] Context: Some ActorComponents can schedule end-of-frame work which UWorld executes later in the frame in UWorld::SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates(). By-design it appears t ...

check(!bPostTickComponentUpdate) fails triggered by ~FStaticMeshComponentBulkReregisterContext() and FD3D12DynamicRHI::ProcessInterruptQueueUntil()

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 23, 2024

Context: Some ActorComponents can schedule end-of-frame work which UWorld executes later in the frame in UWorld::SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates(). By-design it appears that it's not allowed to schedule mo ...

Nested PackedLevelActor bounds issue

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jul 23, 2024

Light Leaking With Raytraced Shadows On Lights With Non-Zero Source Length

UE - Graphics Features - Ray Tracing - Jul 23, 2024

Light sources which have the source length attribute set to a value greater than zero seem to be leaking light through occluding geometry (see the image below and repro project). Moving it away from ...

Chaos Cache : Event tracks are not saved second or subsequent geometry collection recordings

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 23, 2024

After the second recording time, the event listener registration in FGeometryCollectionCacheAdapter::InitializeForRecord is skipped. Here is a workaround :// We only need to register event handlers ...

Material not compiling due to WorldAlignedTexture connected to multiply

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 23, 2024

When a WorldAlignedTexture node is connected to multiply and then to a base color output, the material cannot be compiled, giving an error about an undeclared local variable "Local27". Does not happ ...