Shadow depths performance for non-VSM in certain scenes, notably those with rect lights and meshes that are set to movable, went from ~2ms to ~18ms going from UE 5.3 to UE 5.4. Setting the movable a ...
When you call GetOuter() inside AssetUserData::PostEditChangeOwner, the Outer that is returned, is marked as "Trash". This is because the object is constructed again when an AssetUserData is added. ...
Behavior Tree (BT) services added to root nodes call the initial tick twice A BT Service with the setting "Call Tick on Search Start" enabled will execute the initial tick twice when added to the ro ...
Setting the Phase Count of a RetainerBox to 2 or more may cause other widgets within the same UserWidget to flicker. Upon investigation, we found that during frames where the flickering occurs, the ...
When maps with Color Correct Regions are streamed into another map have their visibility toggled during runtime, it will cause a memory access violation and crash the editor. ...
When an animation is currently blending out due to automatic blend out or GameplayLogic, further StopMontage with specific BlendOut will not update the time to blend out of the current blending out ...
Motion Warping component is disappearing on Editor restart or when swapping engine versions. When this occurs, the BP has the following Compiler Results messages: Component class is not set for'Mot ...
In UE5.5(final), when adding plugin from an older version of Unreal to a BP project, we are informed that the "Engine Modules are out of date, and cannot be compiled while the engine is running. Ple ...
Currently, using the string "None" as a hierarchical node identifier inside a Gameplay Tag (for example "A.B.C.None.D.E.F") is not disallowed by the engine, but results in some incorrect behaviors. ...
Lumen GI has temporal flickering/noise after running the Editor for 3+ days. ...