Matinee not triggering when moved from one level to another

Tools - Oct 19, 2015

It appears that if you create a Matinee in a Sublevel, and then subsequently move the matinee between levels. It will not keep associations with the attached actors in the Matinee and not trigger e ...

Weight Layers and Alpha Layers on Material create Black areas when Painted on a Landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 19, 2015

Painting on a landscape layer with both an Alpha Layer and Weighted Layer creates black areas. Per documentation painting with an alpha layer should smooth over black areas when multiple weighted la ...

SetMasterPoseComponent overrides any SetMorphTarget operations

OLD - Anim - Oct 16, 2015

Using Set Master Pose Component overrides any Set Morph Target operations on the slave component. ...

Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is reparented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is re-parented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted. Note that the inherited function can be deleted in a new ac ...

ScrollBox: Add Inertial Scrolling (Touch)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 16, 2015

Verify that inertial scrolling works in the ScrollBox and the ListView on touch devices. We have reports that it isn't working in 4.9, it may have been fixed since then, or not be as smooth as it c ...

Attempting to connect to Perforce source control causes a crash

Tools - Oct 16, 2015

Selecting Perforce from the list of source control options will cause the editor to crash. Crash Reporter [Link Removed] May also be the same as: [Link Removed] REGRESSION? Yes. Issue did not occ ...

Deleting Texture 2D asset generated after saving a level in a project with Generate Mesh Distance Fields deleted .umap file

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 16, 2015

If "Generate Mesh Distance Fields" is active within the project settings of a project, the .umap of a level will be deleted if a landscape is created and the level is saved, then the 2D texture that ...

Child Actor Component Not Destroyed When Parent BP Is Replaced in Scene

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

Having an actor in the level with a child actor component, replacing it with another copy of itself, and deleting the copy results in a Child Actor remaining in the world outliner, which cannot be d ...

Editor Crashes When a Component and Actor Implement Two Interfaces

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

The editor crashes if you implement two blueprint interfaces in an actor blueprint, and then an actor component blueprint. These interfaces must have at least one function that returns a value. The ...

Sequencer does not support Quaternion Rotation when manipulating transform tools or piloting cameras

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 16, 2015

Noticing an issue when keying a camera and then playing back the animation it turns or spins in directions i never intended. Think we need check box for toggling Use Quaternion linear interpolation ...