glDebugMessageControlKHR in InitDebugContext() causes Zenfone 5 app crashes on launch

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 15, 2015

Game applications crash on Zenfone 5 once they're launched. This seems to be due to the InitDebugContext(). Chris requested this to be entered for tracking purposes. Chris B: I believe the problem ...

Dangerous Casts in Editor Modes

Tools - Dec 15, 2015

User found that our editor mode functions don't do static casts, and thus you can cast to classes that don't share a common base class with the pointer class we're casting from, resulting in some na ...

Source build does not compile if OS is set to Turkish

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 14, 2015

Attempting to build the editor from source will fail to compile in VS if the computers Region format / Language is set to Turkish. This is caused by #ifndef Identifiers being translated incorrectly ...

If a Blueprint made from a class using PostLoad is saved immediately before and after PIE, a crash can occur

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 14, 2015

Using PostLoad in a class that has a Blueprint derived from it can result in a crash if the Blueprint is saved immediately before and after PIE. CrashReporter Link: [Link Removed] ...

10 Pixels Added to Width & Height of Floating Editor Windows Each Time Project is Reopened

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

Each time the editor opens a project, the INIalt text file changes, adding 10 pixels to the width and height of floating sub windows, thus negating the usefulness of the "Save Layout" feature. *Obs ...

Setting bNotConnectable does not prevent the pin from being promoted to a variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 14, 2015

When using bNotConnectable to prevent a blueprint pin from connecting to other pins, it is still possible to right click on the pin and choose the "Promote to Variable" option. Doing so will add a ...

Attempting to apply instance changes to blueprint after altering a struct array crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 14, 2015

Editor crashes if a struct array that has been made editable is edited in an instance within the details pane of the level viewport, then the changes are applied from the instance to the base bluepr ...

Throbber color does not appear to change when modifying the tint value

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 14, 2015

If the user changes the tint color of the throbber widget the color of the widget does not appear to change. ...

Performance issues with World Composition

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

Licensee reports performance issues with ULevelStreaming::GetWorldAssetPackageFName, repeatedly constructing an FName for every sublevel. Should cache this. ...

"Prompt for checkout on asset modification" check box no longer makes "Files need checkout!" message appear

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

"Files need check-out!" dialog no longer appears when you begin to modify an asset that is not checked out. Setting is enabled by default: [Image Removed] But message doesn't appear if you, for e ...