Using simple move to location in sublevels causes the blueprint not to respond or function correctly. ...
Using IToolkit.h in a file causes the project to not compile because IToolkit.h requires additional include statements. Suggestion to add SlateBasics.h as an include to IToolkit.h so that it can co ...
Light Functions are stretching and flickering on large translucent surfaces. Translucents Surface:[Image Removed] Opaque Surface:[Image Removed] ...
Using the same import settings in UE4.8 and UE4.9 will result in a different number of frames of an animation being imported from the same FBX file. If you import the same fbx animation which in M ...
Currently, PreviousDesiredLoc and PreviousArmOrigin are not updated when the world origin is updated, which causes camera lag to snap the camera to its new position instead of smoothly transitioning ...
Variables can no longer be set as a DataTableRowHandle type. The option is no longer available in the Variable Type dropdown. This is a regression: this was possible in 4.7.6. Reproduced in 4.8.3 b ...
If a call is made to the blueprint node Wait Delay the editor will immediately close during PIE when the call is made without the crash reporter appearing. The "Wait Delay" node only exists on Linu ...
After hot reloading a project, if the class a blueprint is based off of was edited, the blueprint is unable to be saved due to being referenced in Engine/Transient. Project for Repro: [Link Removed ...
UActorComponent's property 'bWantsBeginPlay' is not being enforced. We should prevent BeginPlay from being called when this flag is false. We'll need to address upgrade issues for components that h ...
When setting a material to Use Material Attributes and then feeding in a Refraction value with MakeMaterialAttributes, the refraction doesn't work properly Reported in 4.8, but I tested in Main as ...