If an actor has had simulate physics enabled and then the console command Slomo 0 is used, force will be added to the mesh, causing it to fly. ...
Marking a function as BlueprintPure will result in a UHT build failure in Visual Studio if the function returns an ENetMode value. The ENetMode enum is not marked as a UENUM(), causing the build to ...
Not all plugins live under Engine, PlatformerGame being an example of one. ...
AddProceduralMeshComponent node throws UnknownTemplateReferenced errors in duplicated Function User description: 1) Make a function that has a Add Procedural Mesh Component node. 2) duplicate func ...
If the mesh component is added in Blueprint (i.e. in the Blueprint editor and/or through Construction Script), then it's not possible to edit the collision response details for an instance of the co ...
The DemoRec console command crashes the editor if used during PIE. Reproduced in 4.9 Preview 2 binary and 4.9 Releases (//depot/UE4-Releases/4.9/Promotable-CL-2643093). Does NOT occur in 4.8.3 bina ...
A number of users have reported that blending animations between Third Person Project and Animation Starter Pack results in a "dipping below floor level" between the two animations. The cause of th ...
If you change a texture's compression settings, materials will show errors because of a mismatch in the Sampler Type of Texture Samples. This can be fixed by adjusting the Sampler Type and re-savin ...
Distance Field shadows are culled for larger meshes at certain angles of the cameras view position. Map with reproduced setup is attached. ...
In the Extract Sprites window, if the user changes the Naming Template, they will have to click on the Extract button twice for the sprites to extract. ...