Rotating a landscape with a heightmap causes lightmass to break, rendering black splotches across terrain after building lighting. ...
AnswerHub member is reporting crashes when trying to launch the editor if the Oculus is on with the latest runtime and Firmware. Editor can open if the Oculus is off but will then crash if the proj ...
There is a relatively small number of decal actors which can spawn before all previously spawned decal actors disappear. Also Reproduced in 4.7 Preview 4 and Main Promotable-CL-2412886 ...
User crashes on PIE when number of players is set to two in the "Play" drop down menu. No crash if number of players are set to 1,3, or 4. Additionally, setting the "Dedicated server" checkbox to ...
I have an image in a UMG that is supposed to show what is seen but a Scene Capture 2D camera that is set up in the level. This works fine in the editor (PIE), however when using the Launch button th ...
I've noticed when adding another static mesh component to a static mesh instance in the level that it always starts off Movable, even when the parent is static. I would expect the child to be based ...
Users are unable to apply custom fonts to text in UMG. The users can place the fonts in the file location but no changes occur when trying to use other fonts (other than the default). ...
From 8/17/16 Tools sync: This is probably also happening in Sequencer. Think Sequencer should just auto-set this flag. ----------------------------------- If a SkeletalMesh actor is placed beyond v ...
When you are packaging and deploying your project to an iOS device, If Supports Landscape Right orientation is the only Orientation checked, It will show incorrectly on the iOS device. Tested on an ...
The settings .ini files for games packaged for windows appear to be getting overwritten with blank files whenever the game is run. Even if settings are added to the .ini files manually, the files be ...