Actors that are removed from the world have UnregisterAllComponents called twice. Removal can be caused by unloading a data layer that owns the actor. In cases like exiting the application or destr ...
When the camera is just outside of the box bounds and it is angled directly away from it , it will start rendering the particles again (as determined by stat GPU differences) despite being out of vi ...
Currently there is no stable way to break level instances ...
The overlap checks are used to see if we can warp back to the previous position to combine network moves to longer moves, but making sure we wouldn't put the character in penetration when rolling ba ...
Binding lifetime sections aren't meant to overlap, but duplicating one, or pasting one can cause them to overlap, triggering an ensure. Duplication and copying and pasting are typical actions, so th ...
When rendering a Light Function into the Translucency Lighting Volume, the World Position Material Expression returns the position relative to the Camera (unrotated), not the World. This can be mor ...
Context Projects can turn on the project setting bDoFullyAsyncNavDataGathering to execute navigation mesh building tasks on worker threads. Some of these tasks will access the NavOctree, whose life ...
Expectation: Tangent should work on Hair Material ...
Texture format override to BGRA8 due to changes in CL-30603716. The following code can restore the previous behavior. void FShadowMapPendingTexture::StartEncoding(ULevel* LightingScenario, ITexture ...
When a Material Instance is loaded that has a nullptr layer in StaticParametrs.Materiallayers. The Material Instance will create it's own CachedExpressionData but the ConnectedParameterMask will be ...