In Unreal Engine version 5.4, all Physics Linear Velocity functions inside PrimitiveComponent class are returning always a velocity of (0,0,0), even if the Body Instances are moving. This was workin ...
FJsonPointer::ParsePath passes a pointer to a single TCHAR as FString::ParseIntoArray's pchDelim parameter, which is supposed to be a pointer to a null-terminated string. ...
Calling HideBoneByName on a bone causes that bone (and all it's children) to be translated to the parent bone's location. This code in UpdateRefToLocalMatricesInner is responsible: bool bNeedToHid ...
In 5.4: zooming out far with the mouse wheel after setting the editor viewport to orthgraphic view triggers an ensure: ensure(InOrthoZoom >= MIN_ORTHOZOOM && InOrthoZoom <= MAX_ORTHOZOOM); Th ...
Here is a snap shot of the propose UDN change: TRACE_CPUPROFILER_EVENT_SCOPE(ValidateTextureOverridesForPIE); TSet<UMaterialInterface*> ProcessedMaterials;TArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components; ...
UInterchangeGenericLevelPipeline::ExecuteSceneNodePreImport is iterating all nodes for every actors it create. We need to cache the result. ...
When the DBuffer is disabled in the project settings, the Material Editor Stat page will still display the estimated texture lookups for the DBuffer. It appears that the code that adds these estimat ...
When Lumen is disabled, but the cvar "r.MeshCardRepresentation" is set to 1, Lumen will continuously enqueue object removal from the Lumen Scene, without ever emptying the array of primitives to rem ...
There currently is a mismatch occurring when light function atlases are used in conjunction with exponential height fog. When the flag r.VolumetricFog.UsesLightFunctionAtlas is enabled, light shafts ...