The world position offset input of the result node does not behave consistently. There is an obvious visual difference between the setting it by connecting a float3 color constant, versus setting th ...
UE allows actors to be attached to other actors. More precisely, it allows the root component of an actor (child) to be attached to any component of another actor (parent). From now on, "parent" and ...
Packaged projects on 5.4.2 (DebugGame) crash immediately on startup when it is opened through the command line using the global logging very-verbose argument. ...
Using custom primitive data as an input in a UI material causes the engine to crash in the RHI thread. The exact crash is "Missing uniform buffer at slot 1, stage SF_Pixel." at Engine\Source\Runtime ...
In past compatibility detection in FWorldPartitionClassDescRegistry::PrefetchClassDescs, as AssetRegistry.TryGetAssetPackageData returns UE::AssetRegistry::EExists::Unknown in standalone games, so t ...
GPU Lightmass does not support bounce lighting from landscapes, but CPU Lightmass does. ...
Material Instances used in Custom Buffer Visualizations do not respect parameter overrides, and use the parent material's values. Also tested on UE5-Main, CL: 34543023 ...
Class "FBlueprintEditor" has several inline getter methods as part of its public API (e.g. GetPreviewActor() and GetPreviewScene()). However, even though they are public, those methods are inaccessi ...
In the Blueprint Editor, Primitive Components can be configured to respond to Lighting Channels 0, 1, and/or 2. However, if channel 0 is disabled (even with another one enabled), the Preview Actor's ...