It appears the hierarchy is invalid for muted sequences, so there is no context to focus them in. ...
Left eye shadow dithering stops working at a certain distance away from the light. To recreate this behavior with any project, follow those steps: Create an empty levelAdd a static mesh and a backd ...
Context GameplayDebugger (Press ` in-game) displays a green smiley (AICON-Green) for AIControlled pawns that are running a BehaviorTree and a red angry face (AICON-Red) otherwise. If the AIControll ...
Hard references through InstancedStruct do not cluster the actors together into the same cell. ...
If you create two actors that have the same structure of variables in a category, and you try to copy the category variables of one actor into the other, variables that have ReadOnly/EditConst speci ...
A licensee has reported an issue with jitter when playing animations on an actor translated far from the origin (300000.0 units). This repros on the First Person Template. The issue is more obviou ...
User is reporting a bug where there are cases that a polygon in a navmesh tile will not generate an edge. This seems to be where only part of the polygon side would be part of the edge, but the rest ...
Two instances of the same level sequence playing audio will cause the audio to stop playing. ...
The primary shader crashing is "FVisualizeLumenSceneCS" which I've put in the callstack section, but I think this is more likely a binding problem as I'm also see the following crash with cloud shad ...