Rect light artifacts from NaN pixels on surfaces that are coplanar with light position

UE - Graphics Features - May 10, 2024

Rect lights cause artifacts (nan pixels) on pixels of surfaces that are coplanar with light position.  In RectLight.ush, in RectIrradianceLambert, at line 106, c30 is -1, so rsqrt(0) causes a nan to ...

OFPA: Cooking fails with nested actors

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - OFPA - Jun 10, 2024

Crashes when applying material on objects after changing UV mapping parameters with Lumen enabled.

TM - Core - Jun 20, 2024

Info from the user: "This is super basic, only just started to build the scene. I have modeled in Vectorworks 2024 Architect and imported it into Twinmotion via the export and not the live link. The ...

Geometry Collection component in BP always visible

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 1, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. It's only through the Details panel that this happens; Geometry Collection visibility can ...

Editor crash when shader debugging enabled including r.shaders.optimize=0

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jun 23, 2024

The editor crashes when activating cvar options for shader compilation and debugging. ...

Generated world partition maps cause AssetManager warnings

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 29, 2024

When cooking world partition maps, it automatically writes out several maps in a "Generated" folder below the location of the map in the editor. In the repro above, this will create maps such as /Ga ...

Twinmotion hangs when importing an .obj file.

TM - Interoperability - Feb 1, 2024

Reported by client in SF [Link Removed] When importing an obj file, Twinmotion hands during the import. This only occurs in 2023.2.1 and does not occur in the 2023.1.2 version or earlier. Was able ...