While working with DirectX 12 in the project settings, the editor crashes by check() code when attempting to create a static texture from a non-HDR Cube Render Target asset. This crash doesn't occur ...
Currently FNotifyNodeInterface directly references notifies that live within the related anim sequence. This can cause intermittent crashes when notifies are removed as the UI can still reference t ...
It appears that painted Weightmaps have inconsistent mappings between Nanite and regular landscape, BUT only if those landscapes are created in a World Partition level, landscape in regular levels d ...
Because SGraphNodeBlendSpaceGraph inherits from SGraphNodeK2Composite rather than UAnimGraphNode_Base as with most anim nodes, we aren't able to make the check as to whether the node is fast-path co ...
A crash inside Unreal Engine Editor version 5.4.4 occurs when reproducing a Level Sequence while in PIE. This issue is a regression. It only crashes in version 5.4.4. It was working correctly in ver ...
[Link Removed] Some functions to access parameters don't take into account the newly added runtime static switch parameters. It should be straightforward to fix these up: void UMaterialInstance:: ...
In certain circumstances, when a derived blueprint is compiled, all properties from its inherited components can be silently reset to defaults on instances placed on the current level. This results ...
FDeferredDecalProxy always fade because InitializeFadingParameters is always called and leaves InvFadeDuration at 1.0 and the LifetimeAlpha calculation in FDeferredDecalPS::SetParameters gets a very ...
In 5.4.3, a nanite enabled mesh with a material that takes its vertex color (R) and uses it as the opacity mask output in a masked blend mode material, causes the mesh to have disappearing polygons ...
When the Lit > Actor Coloration > Affects Navmesh or other Actor Coloration mode is used, Nanite meshes apply lighting differently than non-Nanite meshes which can make it difficult to use the Actor ...