From this UDN: [Link Removed] The customer reports that this issue did not happen in 5.4. ...
Fix deadlock when skeletal mesh component is shown in the detail panel with physics body section category open and the skeletalmesh is re-importing or doing any other asyc task that need the game th ...
If you import a model containing multiple mesh using the same bones but with different bind pose, the time zero skin result will be wrong. ...
The async execution from within the context menu state is not cancelled properly when closing the context menu. This means that when rapidly opening and closing context menus there will be corruptio ...
Light injection into the Translucent Light Grid voxels does not use the correct location for clipping or attenuation. Both of these points are outside the voxel that is being updated. Light attenua ...
Reported to support in SF [Link Removed] and reported on reddit at [Link Removed]. For Twinmotion 2024.1 on Mac, some users are reporting that Twinmotion processes are still running after closing t ...
When a Niagara System is placed at around 10^8 units away from the origin, the movements of the mesh particles aren't smooth as expected, but jumpy. These particles behave as if they are using a flo ...
When working on the level editor viewport or testing on PIE, the visual appearance of additive/translucent lit materials changes significantly (and abruptly) when varying the camera FOV or the viewp ...
D3D12Texture::Lock computes the size of the staging buffer on Line 1541 of D3D12Texture.cpp. This size uses the RowPitch, which for BCn resources encapsulates the size in bytes of a single row of bl ...
When creating an Editor Utility Blueprint derived from "Asset Action Utility", UE allows the user to override function "IsActionForBlueprints". When it returns true, the "Supported Classes" setting ...