When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...
Local Vector variables in functions do not save the Y and Z values. Possibly connected: after entering the X value, pressing Tab does not move to the Y value. Tabbing from there works as expected. ...
When selecting variables within a blueprint using the arrow keys, it doesn't refresh the Details properly. You can see this by clicking on each of the variables, to see what the difference between t ...
User's Project is crashing since converting to 4.7.2. I have attached the project itself below, but after conversations with the user and seeing pieces of the project, this issue may be related to ...
When a graphical mesh is used to create a lower LOD for cloth assets and the Cloth FBX has the APB assigned to the material for the cloth there will be a crash. ...
User is reporting that the editor will crash after lightmass has finished building and they click to save the project. ...
In this user's project, playing in Launched or Packaged games causes the Get Socket Location to return an unusual report when used during a flipbook animation. Instead of a normal vector, the Print ...
Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2479729 paper2Dsprites assets created from Texture Packer can no longer be reimported into the engine with version 4.7 ...
Setting a UCLASS() macro with the "HideCategories" property will updated after a hot reload but after closing /reopening the editor the hidden category will be visible again. ...
2nd AH post with the same issue: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/183441/cant-load-c-projects.html Multiple people have reported not being able to create a C++ project. Creating a Bluepr ...