Users are experiencing crashes when using the AimOffset and Blendspace graphs. I am unable to reproduce this locally, but judging by the Bugg in crash reporter, this is not an isolated incident. [ ...
If a user has a custom cursor that uses timers that call a function in 4.7, the functions will not run when that widget is applied as the default mouse via the Edit > Project Settings > User Interfa ...
Hang after copying a BP node, right clicking in BP graph, then pasting with Ctrl+V. ...
Parameter names do not update on custom functions that are already called in event graph after compiling blueprint. ...
A user has upgraded their project from 4.6.1 to 4.7.2 and now one of their assets is partially loaded. After a bit of digging I found an error in the event graph of the ShadowHerosHUD. The nodes are ...
Basically, the problem is that the Main Thread is able to run AActor::Tick() (including Blueprint Tick Events) at the same time that the animation system is running functions such as UAnimInstance:: ...
NavLinkProxy does not react to changes to LinkDirection in the editor. it also seems that link direciton setup doesn't get applied even when link's update is forces by moving NavLinkProxy actor. ...
If the user creates two blueprints and parents one to the other and then creates 3 event dispatchers in total between the two in an alternating method it will cause and error and the event dispatch ...
'Is Case Sensitive' option on the Switch on String node doesn't toggle correctly. User Description: The "Is Case Sensitive" option when you use a switch on string function in blueprint doesn't wor ...
If a user moves the row editor window in a csv datatable, then saves, closes, and reopens the editor, the editor will crash if the user then attempts to select a datatable row in the csv datatable w ...