The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn. This worked in 4.5.1 & 4.6.1. ... "Get Random Point In Radius" will leave one square sector empty. Seems like it creates patch ...
Reroute nodes do not work for Pose connections in Anim Graph It appears to work until you recompile [Image Removed] ...
"MacBook pro 13 2015 with yosemite 10.10.3 just crashed after launching ue4." The problem is that the recently introduced calls to IsRHIDeviceNVIDIA occur before the Mac code sets the GRHIVendorID ...
If you have an Execute Console Command node in your level blueprint with a pressed key executable node, The project will freeze if packaged for shipping when 'Stat FPS' in in the Command box. Test ...
Opening any files in folders (attached) cause editor to crash. Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Frequency: 10/10 In user's project (available if needed), opening the project immediately crashes ...
If two line traces are run one right after the other to the same end point but different start locations, at times the second trace will incorrectly register hitting other objects though the trace l ...
If a user collapses a button that is inside of a wrap box widget the other buttons inside that wrap box will not adjust their positions to compensate for the missing button. In other widgets collaps ...
Our sample games all seem to use the semi-deprecated Classes folder for their headers, and many of these headers omit a #pragma once (or other header guard). This means that they don't play nicely ...
A Linear Color Curve Component added into the Content Browser has a listing for Red, Green, Blue and Alpha, but will not allow values to be added to the Alpha graph. Also Reproduced in Main Promota ...