Physics are inconsistent between PIE and Standalone

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 16, 2015

A user has found that they are seeing differences in how objects are affected by physics in Stand alone as apposed to PIE. While testing the amount of force applied to an object in the different pla ...

EQS Query Not Detecting Different Floors

UE - AI - Jul 7, 2016

Running an EQS for something such as finding a random point on a grid will not generate results on multiple floors. See the attached screenshot for an example. Was unable to reproduce in 4.11.2 d ...

Split Pins in the AnimGraph become disconnected after Editor Restart

OLD - Anim - Sep 27, 2016

Split Pins in the AnimGraph of an Anim Blueprint become disconnected after Editor Restart Regression: YES. This does not occur in 4.12.5 CL:3039270 I also tested this in latest 4.13 Releases CL:3 ...

Dedicated Server crashes when client connects in particular circumstances

UE - Networking - Jun 9, 2016

Running a dedicated server with the setup in this fairly simply project causes a crash when a client connects. I'm unaware of the actual cause but getting the reproduction was all I could do. Logs ...

Crash when connecting to Source Control

Tools - Apr 27, 2016

Attempting to connect to Source control causes the editor to crash immediately. According to Travis.L this only affects Binary builds. Regression: YES - Connecting to source control worked as expec ...

Save On Compile options in the Compile dropdown menu are grayed out in the Level Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 17, 2016

Save On Compile options in the Compile dropdown menu are grayed out in the Level Blueprint. If Save On Compile is not an option for the Level BP, it might be helpful to have a separate tooltip expla ...

GPU Particle Emitter noticable stutter with steady stream

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 1, 2016

When using a GPU particle and setting a steady stream there is an obvious stutter compared to 4.10.4 where everything worked smoothly. Regression: YES This issue did not occur in 4.10.4 CL-2872498 ...

Buffer Visualization for DecalMask is missing

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 29, 2016

The Buffer Visualization for DecalMask is no longer an option. Also, when looking at the Buffer Visualization Overview the DecalMask slot has been removed. See attached image for comparison Worke ...

Lens Flare and Bloom do not work for local multiplayer

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 22, 2015

Using a post process volume with lens flare and a bloom enabled do not appear functional in split-screen multiplayer. Other selections in the PPV work as intended (ie. Fringe, Ambient occlusion). ...

AI Perception Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees Being Doubled

UE - AI - Jun 7, 2016

Any value that is set for Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees in an AI Perception component's Sight config is doubled. This does not occur with the PawnSensing component, which is inconsistent behavio ...