[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!rml::internal::ExtMemoryPool::initTLS()

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2017

This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17.0 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack shares some similarities to an older 4.14 ...

Forward Rendering shading flicker on some assets set to Static

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2017

When forward shading is enabled some assets will have a shadow flicker along their face geometry. It has a similar look of z-fighting with polygon faces. This issue does not happen in Deferred rende ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_DetailCustomizations!`FBrushDetails::CustomizeDetails'::`2'::Local::OnClassPicked() [brushdetails.cpp:172]

Tools - Aug 29, 2017

This is a common crash that has occurred since at least 4.15 and affected more than 100 users. The callstack shares some similarities to [Link Removed], which was not resolved. User DescriptionsGo ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!CheckSingleJob() [shadercompiler.cpp:749]

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 21, 2017

This is a common and longstanding crash that has occurred since at least 4.14. Users have not provided any useful descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 740 ...

Cannot change Collision Responses once component is custom selected from scene

UE - Gameplay - Dec 27, 2016

Cannot change Collision Response channel once component is custom selected from scene. This is only an issue if the component is selected by first selecting the actor in the world (scene), then sele ...

Crash when calling FillDataTableFromCSVString() while viewing the contents of the data table

When the function UDataTableFunctionLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVString() is used from Editor Utility Blueprints or Python Scripts, and the contents of the affected Data Table are currently being vi ...

Editor Crash when attempting to enter Mesh Paint / Landscape /Foliage Modes while Simulating

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 12, 2017

Editor crash will occur when a user attempts to enter the Mesh Paint, Landscape, or Foliage modes while Simulating. Links to CrashReporter: Foliage: [Link Removed] Landscape: [Link Removed] Mesh Pa ...

In UInstancedStaticMeshComponent, when some instances have near-zero scale, removing instances crashes the engine

UE - Rendering Architecture - Oct 19, 2023

Class "UInstancedStaticMeshComponent" deliberately leaves null pointers in the "InstanceBodies" array of FBodyInstances. This can be seen in methods such as: [Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\I ...

The AngularLimit visualizer isn't displayed as expected when adjusting the AngularRotationOffset

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 9, 2016

The AngularLimit visualizer isn't displayed as expected when adjusting the AngularRotationOffset. You can manually rotate the PhysicsConstraint and it will rotate the AngularLimit visualizer, howe ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_SlateCore!FSlateElementBatcher::AddElements() [elementbatcher.cpp:52]

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 21, 2017

This is an infrequent crash coming out of the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Based on affected project names, this may be a VR is ...