#ifdef and #ifndef have no affect in header files

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2016

#ifdef and #ifndef have no affect when used in the header file of a class. Ex: #ifndef MYMACRO UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Test) float ANumber; #endif ANumber v ...

Changing the mass for a Destructible asset does not affect it

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 19, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Changing the mass of a Destruction asset does not affect it. In comparison doing the same for a static mesh set to simulate physics will adjust accordingly. Forums Post: https://forum ...

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Apr 9, 2015

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes Subtractive brushes will have their internal faces show if enough additive brush faces are flipped. If the faces of a subtractive brush are flip ...

character movement velocity negatively affected by framerate

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2015

Lower framerates directly affect the velocity of a character's movement if that velocity is provided by another source. ...

Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 24, 2016

Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG ...

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder

Tools - Sep 23, 2016

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder. ...

NavArea blueprints in Develops folders appear to have no affect

UE - AI - Nov 6, 2015

If the user creates two NavArea Blueprints (one in the content folder and the other in a developer folder) if one is inside of a developer folder then it will appear to have no affect when it comes ...

Fade track is not affected by "Restore State" flag

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 24, 2017

Fade track is not affected by "Restore State" flag Regression: Sort of. Restore State wasn't available in 4.14, but the default behavior would leave the screen black Worked: 3249277 (4.14.3) Bro ...

Static meshes in a particle system are not affected by decals

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 21, 2017

There is an issue where Static meshes in a particle system are not affected by decals, It is unsure if this is intentional behavior or not. This issue does not appear to be a regression Versions ...

Overriding a sequence binding does not affect camera tracking binding

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 17, 2020

Binding overrides don't work for camera actor tracking. This may affect attach tracks as well. ...