Anisotropy renders differently in each eye in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 10, 2023

Regression: Tested in Release-5.0, this issue occurs so it is not a regression. This issue was first reported using the Automotive Materials assets, as the Anisotropy material on MI_Metal_Brushed w ...

Media Plate with multiple Materials changes Element 0 to the default material if 'Use Media Plate Default' is selected for any other element

Media Framework - Jan 20, 2023

Media Plate isn't a feature of 5.0.3 so this is not a regression. Media Plate with multiple Elements changes Element 0 to the default material if 'Use Media Plate Default' is selected for any other ...

GeometryCollection with StripOnCook and without EnableNanite causes a crash in cooked game

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 16, 2023

The Strip on Cook option seems to strip even necessary data. ...

Texture Sample DI does not work on Niagara Parameter Collections

UE - Niagara - Nov 8, 2023

Texture sample DIs no longer work when used with Niagara Parameter Collections. This seems to affect Volume Texture DIs based on customer reports, but I have not confirmed this.  ...

Morph Targets fail to record through Persona and Sequence Recorder when set via the event graph

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 4, 2018

If you have a set of morph targets which are driven when you record with either the recorder in Persona or Sequence Recorder the resultant animation will not contain any values on the curves. In th ...

ApplyLimits AnimGraph Node has incorrect functionality

UE - Anim - Rigging - Nov 8, 2018

In AnimNode_ApplyLimits.cpp the inputs for the ConstrainAngularRange function are going to the wrong rotator values. The XYZ of the node's input vec3 is being stored in YPR of the clamped rotator, w ...

Buoyancy is broken in UE5: even BP with Cube SM component (mass is 1kg) and default Buoyancy Component with one default Pontoon falls on bottom of lake

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 26, 2021

Shorter steps:Steps 1-8 from Steps to reproduce (create level with water body)Find BP_BuoyancyExample in Content Browser (Engine>Plugins>Water Content>Blueprints)Place BP_BuoyancyExample above the w ...

[CrashReport]UnrealEditor-Bridge!void TSparseArray<TSetElement<TTuple<FString,AStaticMeshActor *> >,TSparseArrayAllocator<TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>,FDefaultBitArrayAllocator> >::Empty(int) [SparseArray.h:366]

Quixel - Mar 14, 2022

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\LocalInstall\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\SharedPointer.h] [Line: 1008] ...

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 3, 2022

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4 ...

Foliage is placed on LevelInstanceActor does not follow basecomponent when the LevelInstanceActor moves

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 24, 2022

Foliage usually follows when the Transform of the placed ground or floor changes. However, if the ground or floor is a Level Instance Actor, it will not follow. The cause is in the code below. voi ...