Resetting the RGB values of a Sky Atmosphere's Absorption

Tools - Nov 27, 2019

Resetting the RGB values of the Absorption to a Sky Atmosphere using the 'reset to default' arrow still appears after pressed. Tested in: 4.25 CL#10387577 ...

VR Preview + Wireframe View Mode = Wireframe only in Left Eye

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 16, 2019

Wireframe View mode only rendering in Left Eye. Was working pre rendering-refactor (4.21) Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN @ CL 10730208 ...

A repainted cloth mesh continues to use previous paint job and does not update

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Dec 20, 2019

Cloth mesh reverts back to original painted mesh after editing Tested:     4.23.1 CL#9631420 4.25 CL#10730208 ...

MAC rect light does not use assigned source texture

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 30, 2020

Rect light does not use its assigned source texture on MAC OS. Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420  4.25 CL#11062379 ...

Ensure when changing to MSAA with Forward Shading enabled - Entry.RenderTarget->GetNumSamples() == NumSample

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 2, 2020

DID NOT OCCUR IN BP FPS PROJECT - might be ContentExamples specific This issue does not occur when forward shading is disabled. This is not a regression as the same issue is hit in 4.25.4 ...

Setting Texture Object within Niagara fails to update texture

UE - Niagara - Jan 11, 2021

Based off of a saleforce ticket, it seems that reinitializing a niagara system with an updated texture, the texture does not update. The setup works correctly in 4.25, so marking as a regression. ...

When Niagara is set to DesiredAge in Sequencer, the processing load increases after play

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Jun 3, 2021

This does not happen in 4.25.4. It has been confirmed to occur with 4.26.2 and UE4main. After playback is complete, a large amount of stalls can be seen in Insight. ...

Texture Sample DI does not work on Niagara Parameter Collections

UE - Niagara - Nov 8, 2023

Texture sample DIs no longer work when used with Niagara Parameter Collections. This seems to affect Volume Texture DIs based on customer reports, but I have not confirmed this.  ...

Crash when compiling Blueprint class based off C++ actor with a Niagara component that has a user color curve

UE - Niagara - Mar 6, 2020

When creating a blueprint class based on a C++ actor with a Niagara component, color curves will cause the editor to crash when compiling the blueprint. This will impact users creating their own cla ...

NavMesh does not build correctly to SkeletalMesh collision

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

NevMesh cuts out holes for collision incorrectly with Skeletal Meshes. Skeletal Meshes with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true and that have a Physics Asset are capable of causing this. ...