Planar Reflection Actor does not pivot at center when using ALT+LMB Drag in Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 31, 2020

When moving a Planar Reflection Actor's transform location to (X:5000, Y:5000, Z:0)  The Planar Reflection Actor does not pivot at center when using ALT+LMB Drag in the viewport.   Note: Moving tra ...

Different Number of Frames imported from the same FBX between UE 4.8 and 4.9

OLD - Anim - Sep 14, 2015

Using the same import settings in UE4.8 and UE4.9 will result in a different number of frames of an animation being imported from the same FBX file. If you import the same fbx animation which in M ...

UInstancedStaticMeshComponentRemoveInstances crashes if called with an empty array

This looks like it can be fixed with an early-out when the passed array of indices is empty. Log:[2024.01.03-16.38.36:091][291]LogOutputDevice: Warning: Script Stack (1 frames) : /Game/BP_Crashy.B ...

Running the BuildPlugin command results in a warning that ForceCompile is not supported and an error that an item with the same key has already been added

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Dec 7, 2022

Repro Rate: 5/5 This issue was encountered in the 5.1.0 live launcher build of //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23058290 and reproduced by other users. Regression tested against the 5.0.3 live launcher bui ...

ALT-Drag a non-DBuffer Decal will Crash the Engine

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 11, 2015

When you ALT-Drag a Decal that is not using the Dbuffer settings, the Engine will crash. The issue is not reproducible in Main Promotable-CL-2581018 This is a regression. Worked in 4.7.6, broken ...

Using Blend Physics Weight causes skeletal mesh to spin at high speed

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2015

When Phyics Blend in the PHAT editor is set between 0 and 1, the user character will spin wildly. User has image of this affecting character in game whereas I was only able to replicate it in the PH ...

Spline Mesh Component doesn't render if two spline points are directly above and below each other

Tools - Dec 1, 2017

Spline Mesh Component doesn't render if two spline points are placed exactly above and below each other. If they are offset by any value other than 0.0, the Spline Mesh component will be rendered as ...

Using Alt+Click to break Transition node connections cannot be undone using the Undo command

OLD - Anim - Nov 28, 2016

Using Edit->Undo or Ctrl+Z has no affect after breaking using Alt+Click to break the connection of transition nodes. In the My Blueprint tab, extend Graphs->AnimGraph Regression: No - Same behavio ...

Dynamic Materials created on level actors through binding actor to sequencer causes missing asset in multiuser and crash in editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 1, 2024

[2024.02.24-00.44.16:412][ 0]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: === [2024.02.24-00.44.16:412][ 0]LogOutputDevice: Error: [2024.02.24-00.44.16:412][ 0]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condit ...

Crash editor when open the level sequencer after updated 4.20

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 8, 2019

When migrating from the version before 4.20 to the version after 4.20, opening the level sequencer will crash. I think that there is a problem with conversion from SnapTimeInterval (FixedFrameInterv ...