Input does not respect pause when playing in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 8, 2016

Input does not appear to respect pause when playing in VR ...

Get Location at Distance Along Spline returns inaccurate information

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Mar 7, 2016

Get Location at Distance Along Spline returns inaccurate information. The distances between locations seems to change without pattern along the spline path between two spline points if the spline po ...

Editor crash on close if custom Data Asset is not saved after hot reload.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 7, 2016

After creating an editor asset of a custom DataAsset class, if changes are made to to the class and hot reloaded, the editor will crash on close if the editor asset is not saved after the hot reload ...

Focal Point is not cleared when SetFocus is used

The Focal Point that is set for an AI Controller doesn't get reset when Set Focus is used. This causes the character to turn back to the focal point if the actor that is set as the focus is destroye ...

Animation to Ragdoll: Character blinks for 1 or more frames

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 4, 2016

Character is not rendered for frame between Death animation and conversion to ragdoll physics In the linked movie, if you pause at the 34 second mark and play frame by frame, you will see the chara ...

TextureEditorModule.cpp: Layout registered with 'Texture' but unregistered with 'Texture2D'

Tools - Mar 4, 2016

Layout is registered for class 'Texture' but unregistered for class 'Texture2D' ...

Adding special characters into the BundleDisplayName or BundleName causes packaging error

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 3, 2016

Packaging a project for iOS that has & in the Bundle Name causes an error to occur during packaging. IPP ERROR: Application exception: System.Xml.XmlException: An error occurred while parsing Entit ...

Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2016

Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart 2 callstacks include, one for 4.10.4 and one for 4.11 Preview 6 User Description: I got some macros in my Object Macro Li ...

Using r.RenderTargetPool.Events in debug configurations causes breakpoint in VS

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 3, 2016

Building a project in a debug configuration and then running through VS debugger will trigger a breakpoint if the console command 'r.RenderTargetPool.Events' is used. ...

MapsToCook is not relative and is ignored if the project's directory is moved

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Mar 3, 2016

If the MapsToCook is set in the editor using the "List of maps to include in a packaged build" and the project's directory is moved, the list is no longer valid as it was pointing to the specific fi ...