Behavior Trees cannot be saved if the Blackboard assigned to it was opened before opening the Behavior Tree from the Content Browser

UE - AI - Nov 2, 2015

Behavior Trees cannot be saved if the Blackboard assigned to it was opened before opening the Behavior Tree from the Content Browser. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.2 binary, 4.10 Preview 3 binary ...

Sidescroller Character Gets Stuck on Platform Edges When Moving on Tick

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 2, 2015

When converting the character movement in the sidescroller template to occur on Tick instead of key press, the character will begin to run, and then get slightly hung up on the edge of the platform ...

Adding Text Render Component at Runtime Crashes Standalone

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 2, 2015

Adding a text render component to a blueprint through C++ at runtime crashes the standalone player. It does not have any effect on PIE. Also, this only seems to occur when the blueprint in question ...

Trigger Volume Blocks First-Person Template Projectile

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 2, 2015

When playing in editor, if you fire your weapon at a trigger volume, the projectiles will bounce off of the volume, regardless of the fact that the collision is set to Query Only. This collision als ...

Blueprint Doesn't Show Components Added at Runtime

Tools - Nov 2, 2015

When a custom component is added at runtime, it does not show up in the details panel when you select the blueprint that it has been added to. Found in 4.9.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.10 Preview 3 a ...

Custom Component Being Added to Wrong Target Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Components - Nov 2, 2015

When attempting to add a custom component to a blueprint at runtime using the Add Component function, if you give the component an exposed variable, it will ignore whatever target you specify and ad ...

UBT not terminated when cancelling build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 1, 2015

When cancelling a build from Visual Studio, UBT keeps running, and another build is generally not possible until one kills the UBT process manually in Task Manager. ...

Detour AI Controller Not Functioning Properly

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2015

Using AI Detour in 4.9.2 works as expected, however, when upgrading a project from 4.9.2 to a newer version, the AI pawns fail to properly navigate around each other when moving to their respective ...

Key type checking nodes cause the BP to become dirty upon reopening it

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 29, 2015

All "Key" related BlueprintPure nodes cause the Blueprint to become dirty when the Blueprint is reopened. This includes: Key Get Display Name Key Is Float Axis Key Is Gamepad Key Key Is Keyboard Ke ...

Using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder in a GameMode constructor may result in a default value or crash if the level is reloaded multiple times.

UE - Gameplay - Oct 27, 2015

Randomly selecting a character class from the GameMode constructor using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder can result in default or null character being set when the level is reloaded. It appears tha ...