Property won't be force synced when re-enabling replication.

UE - Networking - Mar 21, 2017

It seems like if replication is re-enabled for a given property, its state should be force synced (depending on replication conditions). Otherwise, the state will remain "out of sync" for an indeter ...

FPropertyEditorInlineClassFilter confusing (and wrong) IsA semantics

Tools - Mar 20, 2017

FPropertyEditorInlineClassFilter IsUnloadedClassAllowed and IsClassAllowed use the confusing IsA semantics. In the IsUnloadedClassAllowed, the usage seems wrong completely. It seems like the real i ...

USkinnedMeshComponent::FindClosestBone does not respect bRequirePhysicsAsset parameter

OLD - Anim - Mar 20, 2017

A licensee has reported that the USkinnedMeshComponent::FindClosestBone function does not respect the bRequiresPhysicsAsset parameter, resulting in the bone returning bones that are not part of the ...

Toggling ULevelStreaming::bShouldBeVisible causes replication errors

UE - Networking - Mar 17, 2017

Looks like the replication system doesn't properly account for bShouldBeVisible. Once a level has be marked bShouldBeVisible=false on the server, the level is completely cleaned up and all actor cha ...

Crash When Pasting More Than 1024 Characters Into Component Name

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2017

I think this issue is mostly caused by users accidentally pasting a lot of text from (for example)a blueprint node while renaming a component. All you have to do is have a BP node in your clipboard ...

[CrashReport] Deleting pins on Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node can cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 15, 2017

When adding/removing pins on a Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node, it can cause a crash. There are multiple ways to get this to happen when deleting pins, the order given in the reproduction step ...

Connecting Blueprint Function Input to Another Node Resets Default Value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 15, 2017

Connecting an input of a function in a Blueprint Function Library that has a default value to a node will cause its default value to be reset to 0 when the function is called in another blueprint. ...

UEdGraphSchema_K2::DefaultValueSimpleValidation() outputs an error message for bitmask fields.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 14, 2017

Byte properties tagged as bitmask values will emit an error on pin default value validation. ...

Packaging a DLC Plugin Fails with "Couldn't Update Resources" Error

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Mar 14, 2017

Attempting to package a plugin as DLC is failing with the following error message: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: System.Exception: Couldn't update resource However ...

UMG/Slate scroll bars have a minimum size for scaling

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 14, 2017

A user has reported an issue about scroll bars having a minimum size in UMG and Slate code, causing them to not scale correctly when the scroll box is at a smaller size. This affects both horizontal ...