Crash when opening Blueprint after editing ChildActorComponent base class

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 7, 2017

Defining a ChildActorComponent in code, then setting the component to a blueprint derived from another code class causes the editor to crash when opening the parent blueprint if any changes are made ...

Import Window Appears Partially Off Screen When Fully Expanded

Tools - Feb 7, 2017

After expanding all of the import settings for skeletal mesh import window it will always appear with part of the window off screen as long as the settings stay expanded. ...

Editor freezes when setting browser filepath for inserted element in project settings

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 7, 2017

May be similar issue as [Link Removed] but with slightly different repro steps. Not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3 ...

Iterative cook does not cook only changed content in Binary UnrealFrontend

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 7, 2017

This is not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3. Also this did not occur in a source build of UFE from Github. Excerpt from the logs:UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.02.07-18.58.10:328][ 0]LogCook:Display: ...

Editor Crash when blueprint Self reference is passed by reference

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 7, 2017

When a custom event has an input whose type is a reference to an object (Actor-Reference, Player Controller - Reference, etc) and is set to pass-by-reference, passing a reference to the "self" bluep ...

Cascade Previewer Has Strange Behavior With Particles With Source Movement Module

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 7, 2017

Particles that use source movement will start shooting out violently while in the cascade preview window. You need to have the movement option checked under the view settings. If you also check the ...

Overlapping Sequencer Tracks with -EnableHighDPI and UI Scaling

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 7, 2017

Overlapping Sequencer Tracks with -EnableHighDPI and UI Scaling ...

Texture Property Node Returns Unexpected Values For Texture Object With Render Target Input

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 7, 2017

The texture property node returns incorrect values for texture objects that have a render target as its input. The correct value will be returned if a normal texture is used for the input instead. ...

External reference error when trying to save Level Sequence Actor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 7, 2017

External reference error when trying to save Level Sequence Actor after a change has been made. The error given is "Can't save ../../../.././../Users/YourUserName/Documents/Unreal Projects/YourProje ...

Characters can be pushed through geometry by other characters when on a moving platform

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Feb 6, 2017

Characters can be pushed through geometry by other characters when on a moving platform. On this example the character being pushed is forced through a wall that is attached to a moving platform. ...