Retainer box does not appear to respect the clipping settings for its contents

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 2, 2018

When placing a widget in a retainer box that has the clipping setting "Clip To Bounds - Without Intersecting" the retainer box ignores the clipping setting and clips the widget anyway. ...

Region screenshot doesn't work at runtime

Tools - Mar 30, 2018

Region screenshots taken in runtime do not seem to work while they do work when taken in editor. ...

set negative values in 'New window position' to set position of 'Play in New Window'

Tools - Mar 30, 2018

Selecting negative values for window resolutions leads to a crash. ...

Actor does not receive End Play if it was destroyed during the world's Begin Play and it had already begun play

UE - Gameplay - Mar 30, 2018

If an Actor destroys another Actor when the game is first starting, then End Play does not get called on the destroyed Actor. In the attached project, there is an Actor Blueprint in the level that s ...

[Feature Request] Light Complexity view mode broken in Forward Rendering

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 28, 2018

When forward shading is enabled, the light complexity view mode just displays black surfaces. ...

Linux: UE_ENGINE_DIRECTORY not being set by UBT

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 27, 2018

UBT is not passing UE_ENGINE_DIRECTORY to GForeignEngineDir because in UEBuildTarget.cs IsCurrentPlatform only checks for Windows and Mac. Because GForeignEngineDir is not set, config files and oth ...

Reimporting Duplicated Mesh from Blender Creates Merged Meshes

Tools - Mar 26, 2018

When a mesh in Blender is Duplicated and exported as an FBX, then imported into Unreal with Combine Meshes unchecked, then both meshes reimported, one of the meshes has another mesh added to it. The ...

Editor will crash while instancing nested AIPerception component template subobjects in an AIController-based Blueprint class during compile-on-load.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2018

User report of an assertion that fires on editor reload during an attempt to reload an AIController-based Blueprint class with a dependency on a child Blueprint class, both created in a previous edi ...

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash

OLD - Anim - Mar 22, 2018

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash This issue is not a regression. ...