Google VR causes app to close on splash screen for shipping builds on iOS

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 23, 2017

[NickW] This is because the app needs permissions for the camera in the plist when deploying on iOS. ------------------ Google VR appears to crash on a shipping build when installing onto an iOS d ...

Bad references for Lighting Scenarios when moving Levels and Map Build Data Registry to different Folder

Tools - Feb 2, 2017

When moving Lighting Scenario Levels and their associated Map Build Data Registry to a new folder within the Content Browser, the references within the Levels tab are updated as [MapName_BuiltData]. ...

Particle Lights do not honor Lighting Channel assignments

UE - Niagara - Jul 15, 2016

Particle system light's module does not use Lighting Channels. The particle system itself will accept lighting from it's assigned lighting channels but the lights spawned from the particle system, n ...

Renaming the function for a bound event will cause the event to stop working

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 26, 2015

A user found that when renaming a binding for a mouse down event for a border widget that the event would no longer fire off. They only worked as long as the default name was used. ...

Compiling on Mac fails if build path has spaces

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 6, 2015

UPDATE: We were able to get around this issue by renaming our external drives. The actual problem is that Mono's xbuild fails to build UnrealBuildTool QA REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 2386770BROKEN: 23 ...