Project cannot build in VS 2017 15.8+ if it uses std::make_shared with an over-aligned type

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 30, 2018

Visual Studio 2017 15.8 includes a fix to properly handle std::make_shared used with over-aligned types. However, this is a breaking fix and requires the definition of one of two macros to either ac ...

Sprites/Flipbooks only render in left eye with Instanced Stereo Rendering enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 30, 2018

Paper2D sprites render only in left eye with Instanced Stereo enabled. Also confirmed in Main CL 4329255 ...

Packaged project crashes on launch if third string literal in NSLOCTEXT macro is an empty string

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Aug 30, 2018

Using the NSLOCTEXT macro with the third string literal as an empty string causes a packaged game to immediately crash on launch. No Crash Reporter window opens, and no log is created. A sample pro ...

Duplicated Editor-Runtime actors won't tick

UE - Gameplay - Aug 29, 2018

When duplicating an Actor at Runtime, the duplicated Actor won't execute any tick events when duplicated from the World Outliner or Alt-clicked and dragged in the Viewport. If the Actor is dragged i ...

EQS Context modifications Crashes Editor

UE - Gameplay - Aug 29, 2018

Making changes to the EQS Context and moving the Testing Pawn, the Editor crashes. When reopening the Editor, the context is set and the query does generate from that actor/location. This issue was ...

Crash on Level Reload in Standalone when Set Sound Mix Class Override is called

UE - Audio - Aug 29, 2018

When the Set Sound Mix Override is called, reloading the level causes a crash when played in Standalone. Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.2 (CL - 4302132), 4.21 (CL - 4324949) ...

SaveGame data does not correctly save the value of elements in an int array when the elements are initialized with RandRange() and then set to a known value

UE - Gameplay - Aug 28, 2018

After using FMath::RandRange() to initialize elements of an int array in a SaveGame class and then setting all of the values of the array to 0 before using UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot() to save ...

ScreenPosition material node outputs upside down ViewportUV when launching on android

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 28, 2018

ScreenPosition UV upside down on mobile. From User: "I believe the editor mobile preview provides "correct" results, while the mobile device produces upside down results. I ran into this issue w ...

UMG Children broken in Build packaged with Nativization

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 28, 2018

Child widgets not visible when packaged with inclusive nativization on. "The problem is that ChildWidget never shows up in the package build, but shows fine in the editor. I've debugged the issue ...

FRunnableThread Suspend doesn't work on android

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 27, 2018

The FRunnableThread::Suspend() function call does not work Android devices Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.2 (CL - 4302132), 4.21 (CL - 4313833) ...