SteamVR Stereo layers are using incorrect orientation conversion

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 6, 2019

"SteamVR stereo layers are using the wrong coordinate system conversion and are being improperly rotated. All other conversions in the SteamVR module are using the correct one, just this particular ...

AccumulateCurveMetaData unnecessarily marks the package dirty

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2019

AccumulateCurveMetaData makes calls to MarkPackageDirty even when the data hasn't changed. ...

Gamepad input affects multiple game instances at once, due to not needing focus.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 5, 2019

Since Gamepad input works without needing focus (which was added in 4.9 with [Link Removed]), a Gamepad's input will also affect all instances running on the same computer. Regression?: No This occ ...

Performance drop in Orthographic views when Visualize->Volumetric Lightmap

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Mar 4, 2019

Severe performance drop when when entering Orthographic view, but only when Volumetric Lightmap is selected. ...

"Found more than one function with the same name" after duplicating an interface function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 1, 2019

REGRESSION: No, this occurs as far back as 4.20 After duplicating a blueprint interface function, the duplicate interface will have an error similar to this:LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler NewInterf ...

Creating a new C++ Basic Code Project, based upon a deleted With Starter Content enabled

Tools - Feb 28, 2019

Upon creating a new C++ Project called "MyProject" with starter content enabled, if you delete the project folder from the finder, then re-create a new C++ Project under the same name "MyProject" wi ...

LineTraceComponent does not respect bEnablePerPolyCollision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 26, 2019

USkeletalMeshComponent::LineTraceComponent does not properly consider bEnablePerPolyCollision. It appears to use the component's bodies, which are empty. It should be sufficient to use UPrimitiveCom ...

Moving .uassets that were imported from a source file with Source Control active moves the source file without marking for add

Tools - Feb 26, 2019

A licensee has reported an issue with Perforce source control integration. The issue is related to the source file for an asset that was imported into the editor. If this source file is also checked ...

Crash When Setting a Bool in a Niagara Parameter Collection via Blueprint

UE - Niagara - Feb 26, 2019

The Editor will crash when setting a bool in a Niagara Parameter Collection via Blueprint. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 5159901, 4.23 CL# 5194133 ...

Orientation setting does not respect user's settings on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 25, 2019

The Orientation setting in the editor for Android phones does not respect the user's settings. Despite "Auto-rotate" being turned off, the orientation of the UE4 app will change if it is set to do s ...