Metal SM5 shader code cannot be viewed in the Editor on Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 24, 2018

The Metal SM5 shader code cannot be viewed in the Editor for a Material. Prior to 4.20, only HLSL Code could be viewed. In 4.20, a number of additional shader options were added, and they all work w ...

HotReload: Static Mesh property reset on custom Static Mesh Component in Pawn Blueprint when a public property is changed to private in the parent Static Mesh Component code class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 24, 2018

Performing a Hot Reload after changing some properties in a custom Static Mesh Component code class from public to private appears to reset the static mesh set for any Pawn Blueprints that use that ...

Material editor: Custom node doesn't generate error in stats output

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 22, 2018

In 4.20 custom code material nodes no longer output their errors to the stats window. ...

Set world or relative rotation on a child component sets the wrong rotation

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 21, 2018

Unexpected results from setting relative rotation on child of child in BP. Also confirmed in Main CL 4302610 "I have found that changing this code from RelativeRotationCache . RotatorToQuat (NewRe ...

Alembic file doesn't play animations when imported as Skeletal Mesh

OLD - Anim - Aug 21, 2018

When importing an Alembic file as a Skeletal, the animation and morph targets keys are there but when played in the Viewport or Sequencer there is no animation. This was reported and tested in 4.2 ...

UMG ListView doesn't propagate OnItemSelectionChanged events to its items

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 21, 2018

"When using a UMG ListView widget, there seems to be two ways to be notified of item selection changes. An event on ListView which fires when the selection state of any item changes, and an event on ...

Datasmith is failing in converting UCX geometry to collision shells from Sketchup

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Aug 21, 2018

Importing a Sketchup file that has the 'UCX_' prefix for collision, the collision is not imported into the Editor. Instead it is imported as a Static Mesh Actor. This is happening in both 4.19.2 ( ...

LandscapeStreamingProxy do not properly save z offset from world composition, level property.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Aug 21, 2018

LandscapeStreamingProxy seems not properly saving z offset from level details when using world composition. It is reset to 0 when reopening the project. z position value from level details is saved. ...

Text cursor movement with arrow keys does not work in blueprint context menu if search query is empty

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 20, 2018

When using the text search in Blueprints the arrow key functionality is lost if there is a misspelling or when a search produces no results. This worked normally in 4.19 and below. ...

Enabling Skeletal Mesh 'Per Poly Collision' crashes the Editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 20, 2018

When a Skeletal Mesh isn't assigned, enabling Per Poly Collision on the Skeletal Mesh Component causes the Editor to crash. This issue was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). This issue was ...