Unable to use drop down for tooltip widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 23, 2019

The tool tip widget drop down appears to be grayed out and unusable. This feature was available in the 4.18 version of the engine but not longer appears to be usable. ...

Navigation Mesh ignores Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes using "Build Paths" or the "Build" Button

UE - AI - Feb 1, 2019

Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes are partially ignored after building the navigation mesh. This is causing the navmesh to be generated within all or part the HISM instead of around it.  This ...

URLs aren't parsed correctly when running multiple listen servers on one machine

UE - Networking - Nov 19, 2018

According to the UDN thread, a second listen server started on a machine will not process the travel URL correctly and fail to actually load a map in listen mode. ...

CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage does not report if cannot play

UE - Anim - Rigging - Nov 15, 2018

UPlayMontageCallbackProxy::CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage creates a proxy object and immediately calls PlayMontage. If the montage fails to play (no mesh component, no animinstance, Montage_Play it ...

Volumetric Fog Renders incorrectly in the right eye for Oculus when Instance stereo is enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 14, 2018

Volumectric Fog causes Actors to render differently in each eye when instanced stereo in enabled. The left eye appears to render the scene correctly while the right appears to render the actors in t ...

Merged Instanced Static Meshes (Merge Actors tool) not visible when duplicated

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 19, 2018

Instanced Static Mesh Actors created with (new in 4.20) ISM Merge tool do not immediately appear when duplicated. Confirmed in 4.21 Main @ CL 4374913 ...

Component Array doesn't update properly when using Text Variables

Tools - Sep 19, 2018

A Component Array doesn't update properly when using Structure Variables. Any array elements added after the setup don't get printed when the event is called. If you set the "Editable when Inherited ...

When ParallelExecutor is enabled, Japanese build output of VisualStudio garbled

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Sep 19, 2018

From UE4.20, Japanese build output of VisualStudio garbled. Below is a comparison between 4.19 and 4.20. ・4.19.2 1>------ すべてのリビルド開始: プロジェクト:MyProject3, 構成:Development_Editor x64 ------ 1> Clea ...

Clicking on object causes EndInputTouch to fire on the press instead of the release

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 18, 2018

When clicking on an object EndInputTouch sometimes fires on the press instead of the release. This was not an issue in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) and is a regression. However the functionality doesn't appe ...

ForLoop used inside BP Function Library always returns 0 index when used in a Construction Script

UE - Gameplay - Sep 18, 2018

Using a For Loop inside of a Blueprint Function or Function Library will always return index 0 when used in the Construction Script. This was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This was r ...