Skylight is not Captured in Reflection Probes

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 2, 2019

Skylight is not Captured in Reflection Probes. Unable to test in 4.20 due to project provided being 4.21 Found in 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 5660361, and 4.23 CL# 5687320 ...

Refraction does not display properly on Android devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 2, 2019

A user has reported that Refraction does not affect Translucent or Masked materials at all on Android. It is also limited in how much it affects Opaque materials. Regression?: No This has been test ...

Comments on Blueprint Interfaces can´t be moved/deleted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 1, 2019

When a comment box is added in a Interface blueprint, it cannot be moved or deleted. ...

Actors with Niagara components don't wait for the system to finish before being auto destroyed

UE - Niagara - Mar 29, 2019

UNiagaraComponent does not override IsReadyForOwnerToAutoDestroy, so it always returns true. This gets checked every tick if an actor is set to auto destroy, so actors with Niagara Components do not ...

Crash in RecreateClothingActors() when using MasterPoseComponent

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Mar 27, 2019

As part of RecreateClothingActors(), the master pose component is not checked for a valid mesh and therefore when TransformComponent->GetComponentSpaceTransforms() is indexed into, crashes can occur ...

Dynamically Created Render Target Does Not Work in Packaged Project

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2019

Dynamically created render targets do not work as expected when packaged for windows. If it is replaced with a static render target, it works fine. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 ...

RepLayout CompareObject should treat weakpointers with different index and serialnumber as different even if both resolve to null

UE - Networking - Mar 27, 2019

When comparing Object references in RepLayout weakpointers that does not share the same index and serialnumber should be considered different even if they both resolve to null. ...

Array index out of range with StopTree

UE - AI - Mar 26, 2019

Crashes when exiting PIE while executing multiple async tasks. By explicitly executing EndTask and FinishAbort of RecieveAbort, this caused by performing out-of-range in array access to InstanceStac ...

Niagara GPU Emitter Flickering at Certain Angles When the System Origin is Occluded

UE - Niagara - Mar 25, 2019

Niagara GPU Particle Flickering at Certain Angles When the System Origin is Occluded. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 Preview 6 CL# 5439949, and 4.23 CL# 5533539 ...

Light baking of a ton of static meshes causes Swarm to crash.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Mar 25, 2019

Light baking of a ton of static meshes causes Swarm to crash due to "Index was our of range". I confirmed that it can be reproduced with the sample project they sent us/ The error log I got is... ...