Localization Dashboard does not Localize Audio Content from Within Plugins

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Oct 12, 2021

The Localization Dashboard is not properly localizing Dialogue Wave assets that are located within plugins. This appears to be a problem with the UExportDialogueScriptCommandlet - namely, it appears ...

Component Created in C++ is destroyed before BeginPlay

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 3, 2021

Tracking a potential issue where components in C++ are being "lost" prior to BeginPlay. Renaming the reference variable seems to work around the issue, but the cause is currently unknown/needs more ...

UBlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary is inaccessible through Python script

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 7, 2020

The BlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary API is not accessible through python scripts run in the editor. Attempting to run a script utilizing BplueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary results in:LogPython: Error: Traceb ...

Crash running construction script after compiling BP function library

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2020

Editor can assert when changing the signature of an editor authored Blueprint Library Function (FuncA) if that function is called from a Blueprint Library Function (FuncB) via an actor's constructio ...

Parameterized Vector4 is treated as Float3

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 28, 2020

A Parameterized Vector4 are being treated as Float3. This prevents users from being able to use Vector4s in an If node during runtime. This is seen as far back as //UE4/Release4.22 cl 8065155 so th ...

Templated enum GetValueAsString function returns incorrectly formatted string

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 19, 2020

For many years there has been a static function on UEnum called GetValueAsString which would convert an enum like EAttachmentRule::KeepWorld to the string "KeepWorld", if you passed in the explicit ...

Current animation asset is lost in animation preview when a post process anim BP is compiled

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 3, 2020

UDebugSkelMeshComponent and PreviewInstance are lost current animation asset. There are 2 ways to fix below void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::InitAnim(bool bForceReinit) { // If we already have Pre ...

Cannot compile a nativized Blueprint with a function that takes an interface as an input parameter and uses it inside the function (e.g. dynamic cast to object).

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 27, 2020

Issue occurs because there is a legacy code path that forces all interface parameters to be declared as 'const' in function declarations, even if CPF_ConstParm is not set in exported C++ code. This ...

Ragdoll stops mid-air when activated during root animation

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 1, 2020

Calling a native interface function implemented by a non-nativized Blueprint asset from a nativized Blueprint asset will silently fail at runtime.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 29, 2020

In the sample project we have a Widget Blueprint asset (SomeWidget) that implements a native interface (PrintSomethingInterface.h). However, in the DefaultEditor.ini file, we've also excluded all Wi ...