BP - Nativized builds will incur data loss in a Blueprint class that contains more than one ChildActor component and for which each had its child actor class set in the Details tab before being renamed away from "ChildActor" in the component editor tree.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 27, 2020

Child actor component templates, when nativized, end up being owned by the converted Blueprint class object, rather than the child actor component template. Furthermore, we don't regenerate the chil ...

BP - Nativized build will crash at runtime if a non-nativized child that inherits from a nativized parent containing a ChildActorComponent sets the CAC class to a non-nativized child of a nativized BP class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 26, 2020

Current workaround: Add a dummy variable to either BP_Owner_Child or BP_CAC_Child to force one of the two to be nativized. ...

Nativized UMG widgets with animation tracks can sometimes assert with async loading enabled.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 18, 2020

The incorrect use of NewObject() to instance nested class-owned subobjects will force StaticAllocateObject() to reconstruct the instance that was already constructed by the outer class ctor in nativ ...

UE4 viewport stutters when zoom in to closest point

Tools - Jan 17, 2020

When zooming in as much as possible in UE4's viewport, I notice a strange stutter almost as if the viewport is hitting a limit.  Please watch the attached screencapture. [Link Removed] ...

The vertex color view mode in the vertex painting editor mode ceases to work when the project setting "Extend default luminance range in auto exposure settings" is enabled.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 31, 2019

When "Extend default luminance range in auto exposure settings" is enabled, the Color View Mode in the vertex painting editor mode ceases to work and without any warning to the user. ...

Sequencer evaluation can skip events due to gaps in frame number ranges

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 18, 2019

Sequencer rounds when converting time ranges to frame number ranges, which can cause one frame gaps. If an event falls on that gap, it will not be triggered.  ...

Morph target LOD over 0 not worrking with GPU skin

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 17, 2019

I do not know what happen here and I need the help of the rendering team to debug this issue. There is no log at all even with -d3debug If you import the file SK_LOD_Morph_Working.fbx its a similar ...

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() has a chance of not being called after level reloading

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2019

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() is not called after level reloading. When Debugging, UAIPerceptionSystem::CurrentTime is always 0, and UAIPerceptionSystem::SourcesToRegister always contains sources to ...

Character Movement Mode in Water Volume is affecting all clients

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Dec 16, 2019

Strange behavior concerning Character Movement Network Replication and a Water Physics Volume.  Upon entering water volume, Character Movement mode is set to swimming, however if more than one clien ...

Mentioning "_Validate" suffix in code comments to function names causes Compiler error

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Dec 13, 2019

When mentioning the _Validate Suffix in code comment, Visual Studio compiler throws an error. ...