MaxDrawDistance does not work with HLOD

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 19, 2019

1. Create HLOD. 2. Set DesiredMaxDrawDistance. 3. DistanceCulling does not work. ...

CallStack is not output at crash in Android project

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 19, 2019

In an Android project that intentionally crashes from C ++, the call stack is not output at the time of the crash. Perhaps the function that outputs StackTrace in DefaultCrashHandler of AndroidMisc ...

When spawning a large number of widget components they are not visible until the camera moves or the component is selected in the world outliner

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 16, 2019

When adding multiple Widget Components (at runtime) to the scene it appears that they do not render until the camera moves or they are selected in the world outliner ...

Duplicating an overridden function graph causes input/output pins to double

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 16, 2019

This is caused by the same thing that causes this: FBlueprintEditorUtils::PromoteGraphFromInterfaceOverride is the cause of this behavior  ...

Exposed variable does not appear to update when the default is changed for the spawn actor from class node

UE - Gameplay - Aug 15, 2019

When updating an exposed variable for an actor being used with spawn actors from class, the exposed variable setting will not update to reflect the changes to the default setting. ...

Scrollbox under multiple retainerboxes doesn’t scroll correctly with PIE

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 14, 2019

When the scrollbox as the child of multiple retainerboxes, the scroll isn't smoothing. It can see issue with PIE only. If it run with standalone (or package build) is fine. In SScrollBar::ExecuteO ...

Crash when using Get Start/End Frame (Seconds) node with MovieSceneSection have no opened bound

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2019

If use Get Start/End Frame (Seconds) with GetStartFrame has a section isBounded is False, eg 3DTransformSection, editor will be crashed. Specifically, a following code occur crash. inline FFrame ...

Crash occur when using AddSpawnableFromClass with BlueprintGeneratedClass specified

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 13, 2019

BlueprintGeneratedClass is not based UBleupint. So the following code is failed. bool UActorFactoryBlueprint::PreSpawnActor( UObject* Asset, FTransform& InOutLocation) { UBlueprint* Blueprint = ...

Niagara effects do not display as expected VR when using instance stereo

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 12, 2019

When using instance stereo it appears that Niagara particles do not render as expected in VR ...

Renaming a Named slot widget appears to clear any children in all other widgets that the named slot is used

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 9, 2019

When changing the name of a named slot widget, it appear that any children contained in the the named slot (when the widget has been added to other widgets) will be cleared ...