Game.ini:[/Script/Engine/AssetManagerSettings]:PrimaryAssetTypes is an ini setting to specify which PrimaryAssets should be used by the engine during cook to specify which packages gets cooked and w ...
7054614 was submitted to fix an issue with not being able to modify physics properties on instanced blueprints child components. This is related to [Link Removed]. This change causes BodyInstance t ...
When setting the LODbias via the device profile for a specific Android GPU it does not appear to have an affect on the textures when run on the device ...
In USkeletalMeshComponent::ApplyAnimationCurvesToComponent, while InMaterialParameterCurves and InAnimationMorphCurves are independent of one another, if either of them is empty neither is passed on ...
Procedural Foliage Volumes can be resimulated by clicking the Resimulate button. But they can't be resimulated from Blueprints, even if there is a Simulate() function that can be executed. Found in ...
When testing [Link Removed], there seemed to be some visual lag in the passthrough nodes, when compared to the camera feed. Was not able to test due to [Link Removed] (which is really just a differ ...
User created Bitmask flag Enumerators are not correctly stored and retrieved from Blueprint Integer variable settings. When the Editor is restarted the value of the Integer's Bitmask Enum is set to ...