Orthographic Camera Preview window does not render materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 17, 2015

I am using the orthographic camera preview fairly extensively for making an in-engine Tiling Texture maker. This feature is currently busted since the orthographic camera preview window is rendering ...

Hot Reload does not update blueprint pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 15, 2015

When changing the variable type or return type of a function in code and hot reload in the editor, blueprints that use the variable/function do not have their pins updated until the editor is closed ...

Clicking the Yellow Reset to Defaults Button on an exposed Value for struct Arrays always defaults to '0'

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

When using the track builder plugin, the default settings for the track width starts at 1. However, when the yellow arrow is clicked to to restore the track back to default it sets it to zero instea ...

Large blueprint memory leak in project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 6, 2015

Attached project exposes memory leak in editor. Cause is not known but increases memory very quickly when running PIE. The amount of memory used does not return to normal after closing PIE and each ...

Delete Unused Variables deletes variables used in Child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

[NickW] Should perform a search in children, at least warn if this will break children. — Delete Unused Variables deletes variables used in Child Blueprints. Note: Not only child blueprints. If ...

LIVE: Transform Variable rotation not setting correctly

UE - Gameplay - Oct 21, 2014

When trying to set the rotation value of a blueprint transform variable, changing the Y value will usually reset to 0 and change the value of X and Z as well. ...

LIVE: RENDERING: Movable Mesh does not receive shadows from Static meshes in static or stationary lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 30, 2014

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build: 4.1.0-2057451 Description: Movable meshes and blueprints set to cast n ...

Fill tool does not work on BSP

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Mar 6, 2013

 The fill bucket tool under foliage does not work with BSP surfaces. ...