Instanced EditInlineNew Objects not correctly propagating to children and placed level instances

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2020

Instanced EditInlineNew objects are kind of broken right now and hard to make full use of. In addition to the notes above, there are some cases where you can't even assign new values into the base c ...

Deleting struct in Windows Explorer leaves dirty traces in BPs.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2020

UND: If you delete a struct in Windows Explorer manually, then open a project/BP, it will ask t ...

Skeletalmesh editing can be slow when asset have a lot of morphtarget

UE - Editor - Mar 3, 2020

After investigation, the asset is not rebuild, what took time is the 2 following partThe serialization of the DDC where we have to initialize the morph targetsE:\P4\main\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine ...

CollisionPreset of ComplexCollisionMesh is overrided by Drawing mesh settings

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 3, 2020

When setting ComplexCollisionMesh of StaticMesh asset, CollisionPreset that is actually applied becomes the setting on the drawing mesh side. It seems that ComplexCollisionMesh is not considered in ...

Niagara and Groom causes exception crash on Launch when using

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 2, 2020

Trying a Launch after every step shows that the problem occurs as soon as the GroomAssetSystem is added to Niagara. If the GroomAssetSystem is removed, the game launches fine (but the hair doesn't m ...

Content Examples: Parallax Occlusion Map Feature no longer rendering self-shadows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 2, 2020

Parallax Occlusion Map Feature fails to render self-shadows as of the release of Unreal Engine v4.24.0 and has not been remedied since. The feature is perfectly functional in v4.23 [See attachments ...

Crash when using ComplexCollisionMesh and the ComplexCollisionMesh has more material index than drawing mesh's material index

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 2, 2020

When using ComplexCollisionMesh of StaticMesh asset, at the time of hit, the physical material refers to the material of the drawing mesh side using the material index of the collision mesh side. T ...

Niagara Ribbon Facing Mode Custom Side Vector does not work correctly

UE - Niagara - Feb 28, 2020

The Custom Side Vector facing mode is no different than the Custom facing mode on Niagara ribbons. The linked UDN has more information on a potential cause, as well as a proposed fix. It looks like ...

Depth of fields behavior when Focus Method is None

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 25, 2020

Licensee reports that Depth of fields behavior when Focus Method is None is incorrect. If None, override flag is disabled and default value seems to be used.[Image Removed] Attached sample projec ...